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Joke版 - What kind of control do you have over your wife?
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话题: what话题: control话题: third话题: two话题: men
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 79
Three men are talking about their wives. Two of the men are talking about
the control they have over their wives, while the third remains silent.
After a while, the first two men turn to the third and ask, “What about you
? What kind of control do you have over your wife?”
The third man turns to the first two and says, “Well, I’ll tell you, just
the other day I had her on her knees.”
The first two men are dumbfounded. “Wow! What happened next?” they ask.
The third man takes a healthy swig of his beer, sighs and mutters, “Then
she started screaming, get out from under the bed and fight like a man!”
发帖数: 29495
that is not control ...


【在 l****e 的大作中提到】
: Three men are talking about their wives. Two of the men are talking about
: the control they have over their wives, while the third remains silent.
: After a while, the first two men turn to the third and ask, “What about you
: ? What kind of control do you have over your wife?”
: The third man turns to the first two and says, “Well, I’ll tell you, just
: the other day I had her on her knees.”
: The first two men are dumbfounded. “Wow! What happened next?” they ask.
: The third man takes a healthy swig of his beer, sighs and mutters, “Then
: she started screaming, get out from under the bed and fight like a man!”

1 (共1页)
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