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Joke版 - Accomadation for may 7 - 11
Re: 拿到米囯permanent resident的捷径是? (转载)Subway Interview来啦
直接看USCIS的定义吧。拿了绿卡的还是 Alien (转载)如何有尊严得去fail 考试-搞笑(1)
复旦发育生物学研究所所长许田, working in Yale or Fudan?Re: 申请dreamer版主
复旦大学女生学叫床视频, 有人贴过了没? (转载)一天开8个小时会很辛苦么?
临近毕业的萝莉共和党议员声称强奸不会导致怀孕 (转载)
一个喜欢亚裔的黑mm (转载)恐怖!才知道Swarovski Crystal 就是含铅非常高的玻璃。 (转载)
NYT也发现中国人最喜欢床铺Re: 印度同事让我教他我独有的技术,怎么办 (转载)
17岁就大学毕业了我该怎么办? (转载)
话题: am话题: industry话题: currently话题: computer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1649
【 以下文字转载自 Carolinas 讨论区 】
发信人: renebowsusu (baaadger), 信区: Carolinas
标 题: Accomadation for may 7 - 11
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 22 14:04:24 2011, 美东)
I am wondering if anyone has a room for me for may 7-11 at Durham or Raleigh
? I can pay you $15 per night. I am a very nice, easy-going guy. I have a
PhD in one of the top computer schools. I went to Fudan for my undergrad.
I will be spending most of the time driving around to check out the area.
I might relocate to the area for a computer job permanently. I am currently
employed with an industry leading company. I can surely share with you my
work experiences and personal stories. I am sure that I can learn a great
deal from you as well. It would be great for some one who's still a student
or a professional who's in the computing industry. I am currently residing
in the silicon valley. Thank you very much for you attention.
发帖数: 1604
industry leading company出来的硅工日子过得这么紧吧啊。
1 (共1页)
我该怎么办? (转载)临近毕业的萝莉
King size 实木平板床 for sale. Raleigh,NC (转载)一个喜欢亚裔的黑mm (转载)
Re: 在 Raleigh 练 hot yoga 的男生请注意了 (转载)NYT也发现中国人最喜欢床铺
我们组的tech lead17岁就大学毕业了
Re: 拿到米囯permanent resident的捷径是? (转载)Subway Interview来啦
直接看USCIS的定义吧。拿了绿卡的还是 Alien (转载)如何有尊严得去fail 考试-搞笑(1)
复旦发育生物学研究所所长许田, working in Yale or Fudan?Re: 申请dreamer版主
复旦大学女生学叫床视频, 有人贴过了没? (转载)一天开8个小时会很辛苦么?
话题: am话题: industry话题: currently话题: computer