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Joke版 - 关于方励之教授的学术
Physics Jokes每次生活失去了目标和希望的时候, 发包子有人要吗?
不服气的research prof们可以去改wiki电子双缝干涉实验确实是划时代的 (转载)
霍金vs.杨振宁borrow ren qi ask
Re: 地震,你恐惧了吗?新闻晨报驻京首席记者: 方舟子早该挨点教训了
太天真的人看不明白。。。Re: 北京警方宣布是肖干的
揪心啊 刚买的车子被WSN恶意刮了!!!3页有照片! (转载)Re: “耶鲁女孩”姜砺砺:6岁时尝试可乐炒蛋(图) (转载)
借人气问和组里阿三的相处问题 (转载)姚轻微被解聘了 (转载)
话题: fang话题: professor话题: relativity话题: his话题: general
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43471
On the academic work of Professor L. Z. Fang
Dear T. M.:
Thank you very much for forwarding the articles on the late Professor L. Z.
Fang in memorial of him. I am very ignorant on politics. So, I cannot really
comment on his activities on politics. However, as many oversea Chinese, I
come to know that he is known for his advocating of academic freedom and
democracy. However, as a scientist, I cannot say things that are really
positive on his work in science.
I first knew about Professor Fang through an article of my classmate
Professor Au, who has coauthored the article with Fang [1]. This article
clearly showed Fang's deficiency in general relativity and physics [2]. I
met L. Z. Fang in 1991 in Japan. Professor L. Z. Fang impressed me as a very
good speaker for a general public, but I was puzzled for his lack of depth
as a scholar in private conversations.
Academically as many theorists in cosmology, Professor L. Z. Fang followed
the views of the Wheeler School and the work of Hawking & Penrose, both of
which have been proven incorrect. In fact, I have personally asked him again
later in 2007 about general relativity, and discovered that he still does
not understand general relativity. His earlier book coauthored with Ruffini
on general relativity confirms this clearly. He did get a reward for an
article from a foundation on gravity that always keeps the names of judges
for the awards undisclosed; and this is also a foundation that advocated the
erroneous views of the Wheeler School.
In particular, he misunderstood Einstein's equivalence principle, and the
work of Professor Zhou Pei-Yuan on general relativity. His view made me
misunderstood the work of Zhou for a long time. Fang’s view probably also
has an impact on the error of C. N. Yang, who incorrectly considered Zhou
was wrong in general relativity. Based on what I know, I concluded that
Professor Fang’s academic achievements are greatly inflated because his
essentially follows the popular errors. I doubt whether he had anything that
can be considered as significant in science in the future.
I am sorry that I may have disappointed you.
Best regards.
C. Y. Lo
p.s. My recent paper, "Rectification of General Relativity, Errors and
Distortions of the Wheeler School" is attached for your perusal.
1. C. Au, L. Z. Fang, & F. T. To, in Proc. 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
On Gen. Relat., Stanford, 1994, ser. ed. R. Ruffini, 289 (World Sci.,
Singapore, 1996).
2. C. Y. Lo, Physics Essays, vol. 13, no. 4 (2000).
发帖数: 43471


【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: On the academic work of Professor L. Z. Fang
: Dear T. M.:
: Thank you very much for forwarding the articles on the late Professor L. Z.
: Fang in memorial of him. I am very ignorant on politics. So, I cannot really
: comment on his activities on politics. However, as many oversea Chinese, I
: come to know that he is known for his advocating of academic freedom and
: democracy. However, as a scientist, I cannot say things that are really
: positive on his work in science.
: I first knew about Professor Fang through an article of my classmate
: Professor Au, who has coauthored the article with Fang [1]. This article

发帖数: 5763

【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: J点比较深刻,需要有一定背景知识
: .
: really
: I

发帖数: 43471

【在 a****a 的大作中提到】
: 就是个民科吧
: 有啥G点?

发帖数: 5516
这个CY lo对老爱方程的理解跟常人好像有区别。

【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: en,这些小将也够搞笑的
1 (共1页)
姚轻微被解聘了 (转载)Re: 地震,你恐惧了吗?
wow, LHC found traces of the God particle揪心啊 刚买的车子被WSN恶意刮了!!!3页有照片! (转载)
女人的强悍背罩借人气问和组里阿三的相处问题 (转载)
Physics Jokes每次生活失去了目标和希望的时候, 发包子有人要吗?
不服气的research prof们可以去改wiki电子双缝干涉实验确实是划时代的 (转载)
霍金vs.杨振宁borrow ren qi ask
话题: fang话题: professor话题: relativity话题: his话题: general