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Joke版 - 登峰造极的伪科学 (转载)
福音来了A whale's penis is called a 'Dork'
搞了半天Dr.Martin Luther King的博士论文是抄的 (转载)猫扑大便压水花帖子的美国姊妹帖 - Penis Touching The Porcelain
世界十大适合居住城市(Aug 2011) (转载)学术讨论一下,怎么才算ML一
Re: 老婆英语实在太差怎么办啊 (转载)three penis wine
OH~~~~Fuck my life!!!武侠人物的英文名(zz)
溫哥華獲選全球最適宜居住城市 (國際)女人的乳房与男人的penis
女人的乳房与男人的penis... ZZ杯具了,晚上被骗去相亲,遇到一怪胎!
话题: economic话题: penis话题: size话题: growth话题: helsinki
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4859
【 以下文字转载自 Economics 讨论区 】
发信人: jigsawpuzzle (生命是个拼图), 信区: Economics
标 题: 登峰造极的伪科学
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 23 11:23:55 2011, 美东)
* Westling, Tatu (July 2011). “Male Organ and Economic Growth: Does Size
Matter?” Helsinki Center of Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 335.
Economists love it when there are big variations between countries in pretty
much anything that can be measured. So you can hardly blame the doctoral
student at the University of Helsinki who, upon discovering the global
penile length data, started looking around for a model to stick it into. He
chose a common variation on the Solow model of economic growth and finds
that penis size can explain 15% of the global variation in national incomes.*
It appears that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between penis
length and economic growth: slow growing countries (i.e. less developed
today) have on average both the smallest and the largest penis sizes while
fast growing countries are centered in the penis length distribution. The
results are driven largely by the fact that the two poorest regions of the
world, Asia and Africa, dominate the tails of the distribution of penis size.
The author determines that the size of mens penises has the same magnitude
of influence on economic growth as a country’s political regime and makes
the following assessment of the welfare effects:
To illustrate the significance, if France with its average size of 16.1
centimetres [6.3 inches] had male organs on par with United Kingdom's 13.9
centimetres [5.5 inches], French GDP would have ceteris paribus expanded by
around 15% more between 1960 and 1985 – a significant welfare effect by any
发帖数: 12972


【在 J*****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Economics 讨论区 】
: 发信人: jigsawpuzzle (生命是个拼图), 信区: Economics
: 标 题: 登峰造极的伪科学
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 23 11:23:55 2011, 美东)
: 千年一遇的奇文:
: * Westling, Tatu (July 2011). “Male Organ and Economic Growth: Does Size
: Matter?” Helsinki Center of Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 335.
: http://bigthink.com/ideas/39393?page=all
: Economists love it when there are big variations between countries in pretty
: much anything that can be measured. So you can hardly blame the doctoral

1 (共1页)
杯具了,晚上被骗去相亲,遇到一怪胎!Re: 老婆英语实在太差怎么办啊 (转载)
被女医生看penis的事 (转载)OH~~~~Fuck my life!!!
Religion is like a penis. (转载)溫哥華獲選全球最適宜居住城市 (國際)
Religion is like a penis. (转载)女人的乳房与男人的penis... ZZ
福音来了A whale's penis is called a 'Dork'
搞了半天Dr.Martin Luther King的博士论文是抄的 (转载)猫扑大便压水花帖子的美国姊妹帖 - Penis Touching The Porcelain
世界十大适合居住城市(Aug 2011) (转载)学术讨论一下,怎么才算ML一
话题: economic话题: penis话题: size话题: growth话题: helsinki