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Joke版 - 赵美心等议员发声明了 (转载)
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话题: abc话题: kimmel话题: asian话题: rep话题: capac
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20195
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 赵美心等议员发声明了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 30 20:04:19 2013, 美东)
Following are statements from CAPAC members.
Rep. Judy Chu (D-Pasadena), CAPAC chair: “While Mr. Kimmel’s on-air
apology for his ‘Kids’ Table’ segment lacked substance or sincerity, I am
glad that ABC Entertainment Group apologized for the offensive segment and
addressed the matter with the seriousness that it merits.
“I applaud the Asian American community’s swift organization and response
to condemning the segment and demanding an immediate apology. Moving forward
, I intend to have an open dialogue with ABC Entertainment Group to ensure
that diversity is respected at every level of the organization.”
Rep. Mike Honda (D-San Jose), chair emeritus: “I am glad that ABC has
issued an apology for remarks aired on its network against the Chinese
people. It is important for everyone, especially children, to realize that
hate speech left unchecked is dangerous. While Mr. Kimmel’s words still
leave much to be desired, it is also up to all of us to ensure that everyone
’s rights and dignity are respected.”
Rep. Eni Faleomavaega (D-American Samoa): “I am thankful that ABC
Entertainment Group has apologized on behalf of Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Kids’
Table’ segment and given this issue the serious attention it deserves. I
also commend the Asian American community’s advocacy in response to this
“While a child may not understand the prevalence of genocide or the
ramifications of a joke suggesting the U.S. ‘kill everyone in China,’ a
major network has a higher responsibility to its viewers and the public. As
a member of CAPAC and also as ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, I am pleased to know that ABC has
demonstrated its commitment to the Asian American community and Asian
viewers around the world. I look forward to working with my CAPAC colleagues
to ensure that major networks continue to fulfill this responsibility.”
Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.): “I acknowledge the apology offered by Jimmy
Kimmel and ABC and thank them for recognizing the sensitivities involved in
this matter. I appreciate them being responsive to our concerns, and I am
confident that they will use better discretion and judgment in the future.”
1 (共1页)
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话题: abc话题: kimmel话题: asian话题: rep话题: capac