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Joke版 - 美国富二代醉驾撞死4人 称有“富贵病”须疗养已获缓刑
美国富二代醉驾撞死4人 称有“富贵病”须疗养已获缓刑 (转载)男子醉驾被查把警车当厕所 辱骂民警被媳妇狂扇 (转载)
富贵病熊孩子给抓回来了90后女子醉驾保时捷殴打警察 问记者:我是奇葩吗(图) (转载)
和尚醉驾竟然申请从轻处罚Senior Financial Reporting Analyst
再谈评价历史某个时代上的双重标准问题巴西男子喝下一斤白酒 醉驾700公里从重庆开到湖北 (转载)
如果用一部电影名字形容你的胯下之物你用那部电影? (转载)教授挣点外快不容易
(真人真事)醉驾If you are chased by a dog:
成都19岁青年醉驾撞死人 车祸现场与女友亲吻缠绵今晚我们都是法国人
拼老婆时代到来了?北大男醉驾称"我老婆是镇长" (转载)八达岭老虎捉人监控暴光,
话题: crouch话题: he话题: his话题: probation话题: teen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12782
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ExternalF (真逗), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国富二代醉驾撞死4人 称有“富贵病”须疗养已获缓刑
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 11 23:58:36 2013, 美东)
Rich teen gets probation after killing 4 in DUI crash
A judge sentenced a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving
drunk to 10 years' probation in lieu of jail time, saying the boy suffered
from "affluenza" because he grew up so wealthy, according to WFAA.com.
Ethan Crouch and his friends had just stolen beer from a Walmart in Burleson
, Texas and were on their way to get more when the crash happened. Crouch's
blood alcohol level was at .24 as he drove his white pick up truck at about
70 miles per hour, CBS-DFW reports.
Crouch hit and killed four pedestrians -- a youth pastor, a mother and
daughter, and a 24-year-old woman -- and injured nine other people,
including two of his friends who were in the truck.
The sentence came Tuesday for the June 15 crash, and instead of sentencing
the teen to 20 years in jail, as was the goal of the prosecution, the judge
decided that probation and therapy would be better suited for the affluent
teen, according to WFAA.
During the trial, the defense examined Crouch's life as a wealthy child,
saying he was taught that he could get away with anything.
A psychologist called by the defense said Crouch began driving at 13, was
allowed to drink and never even got in trouble when police found him passed
out in his truck with a naked girl, WFAA reports.
The judge has ordered that he has no contact with his parents, but Crouch's
dad will be paying $450,000 for him to live in a home in California where he
'll receive intensive therapy.
1 (共1页)
八达岭老虎捉人监控暴光,如果用一部电影名字形容你的胯下之物你用那部电影? (转载)
一些笑话 - 购物返利(真人真事)醉驾
抗美援朝的邓朴方。 (转载)成都19岁青年醉驾撞死人 车祸现场与女友亲吻缠绵
常公如果能解决共谍问题内战结局能否改变(ZZ)拼老婆时代到来了?北大男醉驾称"我老婆是镇长" (转载)
美国富二代醉驾撞死4人 称有“富贵病”须疗养已获缓刑 (转载)男子醉驾被查把警车当厕所 辱骂民警被媳妇狂扇 (转载)
富贵病熊孩子给抓回来了90后女子醉驾保时捷殴打警察 问记者:我是奇葩吗(图) (转载)
和尚醉驾竟然申请从轻处罚Senior Financial Reporting Analyst
再谈评价历史某个时代上的双重标准问题巴西男子喝下一斤白酒 醉驾700公里从重庆开到湖北 (转载)
话题: crouch话题: he话题: his话题: probation话题: teen