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Joke版 - NBC doc admits violating Ebola quarantine, refuses to take (转载)
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话题: ebola话题: quarantine话题: nbc话题: snyderman话题: news
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11103
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gshjj (H3-> ?4), 信区: Military
标 题: NBC doc admits violating Ebola quarantine, refuses to take personal responsibility
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 15 14:31:15 2014, 美东)
NBC News' chief medical editor is under fire after admitting she violated a
quarantine for Ebola, but refused to take personal responsibility.
Dr. Nancy Snyderman released a statement on "NBC Nightly News" Monday
following reports she and a crew member were spotted at a New Jersey
restaurant, Peasant Grill, near Princeton University on Thursday. At the
time, Snyderman was under a voluntary quarantine after an NBC cameraman
tested positive for the deadly virus that has killed thousands in West
Africa and recently spread to the U.S.
"While under voluntary quarantine guidelines, which called for our team to
avoid public contact for 21 days, members of our group violated those
guidelines and understand that our quarantine is now mandatory until 21 days
have passed," she wrote.
The New Jersey Health Department issued a mandatory quarantine order on
Friday after the isolation agreement was violated, but Snyderman insists she
and her team are not sick. N.J. officials told The Associated Press over
the weekend that there is no reason for the community to worry about
exposure to the deadly virus.
» 5 myths about Ebola, including the one about it going airborne
» Ebola in the U.S.: What you need to know, and what's next
"As a health professional I know that we have no symptoms and pose no risk
to the public, but I am deeply sorry for the concerns this episode caused,"
Snyderman said in the statement read by Brian Williams.
While she did apologize, Snyderman is being criticized for refusing to
acknowledge that she herself violated the quarantine. TMZ blasted her
behavior as "amazing," turning a one-day story into a major news event.
According to the Daily Mail, the NBC News crew was in Liberia reporting on
Ebola when American cameraman Ashoka Mukpo tested positive for the disease.
He's being treated at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha after traveling
by plane in an isolation chamber, and is being treated with an experimental
drug called brincidofovir, or CMX001, and a blood transfusion from a man who
recovered from Ebola.
"Feeling like I'm on the road to good health," Mukpo tweeted Monday. "Now
that I've had first hand exp with this scourge of a disease, I'm even more
pained at how little care sick west Africans are receiving."
Snyderman, who has been with NBC since 2006 after 15 years with ABC News,
remains under mandatory quarantine until Oct. 22. The CDC says that people
exposed to Ebola develop symptoms within 21 days of exposure.
发帖数: 28562
“members of our group violated those guidelines”

personal responsibility

【在 b*****2 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: gshjj (H3-> ?4), 信区: Military
: 标 题: NBC doc admits violating Ebola quarantine, refuses to take personal responsibility
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 15 14:31:15 2014, 美东)
: NBC News' chief medical editor is under fire after admitting she violated a
: quarantine for Ebola, but refused to take personal responsibility.
: Dr. Nancy Snyderman released a statement on "NBC Nightly News" Monday
: following reports she and a crew member were spotted at a New Jersey
: restaurant, Peasant Grill, near Princeton University on Thursday. At the
: time, Snyderman was under a voluntary quarantine after an NBC cameraman

发帖数: 43471

【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: “members of our group violated those guidelines”
: 说话还这么婉转,别人不注意的话还以为是在说别人呢。干吗不直接说就是她自己违反
: 了规定啊
: personal responsibility
: a

1 (共1页)
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话题: ebola话题: quarantine话题: nbc话题: snyderman话题: news