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Joke版 - 不好了出事了
果然是女生打死了生物恶霸教授:哈佛紧急通知的真相 (转载)民主党压迫亚裔无所不用其极。数据说话。民主党太坏! (转载)
今天看看大片《林肯》,发现一个怪现象, (转载)民主党压迫亚裔无所不用其极。数据说话。民主党太坏! (转载)
惊呆了 印度人20美元就可拥有平板电脑这位大妈是谁?
学术贴:Why Is The Penis Shaped Like That?印尼示威者在美国领事馆前抗议
馬國請巫師協尋失联客机正到爆的英式广东话 (转载)
多活了2星期又孵出一只cp hp 刻度 都一样的拉普拉斯
intel杀回独立显卡 (转载)哪个商学院最好?
话题: usc话题: health话题: public话题: said话题: school
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6785
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: yangfh2004 (小耗子), 信区: Military
标 题: 又一个女卢刚!南卡大学枪击案,女PHD打死系主任老板,然后自
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 5 15:57:56 2015, 美东)
COLUMBIA, SC — A shooting incident on the University of South Carolina's
Columbia campus was a murder-suicide.
University President Harris Pastides declined to comment at 3 p.m. Thursday
University of South Carolina police and others responded to the shooting at
the Public Health Research Center on the Columbia campus about 1 p.m.
University spokesman Wes Hickman subsequently said the building had been
secured and an all clear issued.
However, confusion persisted.
According to the USC's Darla Moore School of Business, USC police were
saying not to release students from that nearby building, even though the
threat had passed.
An investigation is being conducted by the State Law Enforcement Division,
which takes the lead in all shootings on S.C. college campuses.
Thom Berry of SLED said the agency was investigating a murder-suicide in the
public health building.
“There was no active shooter other than the two deceased,” Berry said.
No names were released, and Berry wouldn't say if the two killed included
students, faculty or others related to USC.
He had no information on where in the building the shooting happened, other
than it happened in a room.
Berry also said it appeared the shootings were over very quickly.
Richland County Coroner Gary Watts’ office arrived at the scene.
The schoolwide alert went out at 1:16 p.m. in a text message to all 25,000-
plus USC students and faculty saying, “SHORS (CQ) FIRED AT NEW SCHOOL OF
PUBLIC HEALTH. Seek safe shelter.”
Afterward, USC said all public health classes and any classes in the Public
Health Research Center (New School of Public Health) had been canceled for
the remainder of the day.
Carolina Alert tweeted that shots were fired at the University of South
Carolina's new school of public health about 1:30 p.m. Thursday. The Public
Health Research Building is located at 921 Assembly St.
There was an unconfirmed report from an employee at the school, who declined
to give her name, that the shooting happened on the fourth floor of the
As the alert was issued, people were asked to seek a safe shelter. All USC
buildings also were put on lockdown, and police set up a perimeter and
blocking off Park, College and Pendleton Streets. Traffic was closed Park at
College and College at Assembly.
Immediately after the alert, Cameron Razzaghi, 22, a USC student in a bank
parking lot across from the school, said he was worried some friends might
still be in the school.
Razzaghi said he was on the Virginia Tech campus at the time of the 2007
shootings there, while growing up in Blacksburg.
"I'm worried," Razzaghi said. "I've been through this before."
The manager of Subway on Assembly Street said police ordered the shop and
gas station to lock its doors about 1:30 p.m. Six employees were inside.
“The road is blocked,” said the woman, who declined to give her name. “
Nobody in and nobody out.”
“We see in the window a bunch of police officers on the road, fire trucks
and everything,” she said.
"I haven't heard anything," said Ty Williams, manager of a nearby Sandy's
fast-food restaurant. "I've seen some cop cars going toward south main and
some going toward Assembly."
Gov. Nikki Haley cut short a news conference for security concerns Thursday.
Some state government workers, who work close to campus at the Capitol
Complex, also were notified by security officers of the shooting.
Officers in SWAT gear, armed with AR-15s, moved students across Assembly
Street from the school of public health.
Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook was on the scene as well as the Columbia
Fire Department.
There was a report that an ambulance was at the school, but it left.
Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2015/02/05/3971087_shots-fired-at-university-of-south.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy
发帖数: 8285

【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: yangfh2004 (小耗子), 信区: Military
标 题: 又一个女卢刚!南卡大学枪击案,女PHD打死系主任老板,然后自
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 5 15:57:56 2015, 美东)
COLUMBIA, SC — A shooting incident on the University of South Carolina's
Columbia campus was a murder-suicide.
University President Harris Pastides declined to comment at 3 p.m. Thursday
University of South Carolina police and others responded to the shooting at
the Public Health Research Center on the Columbia campus about 1 p.m.
University spokesman Wes Hickman subsequently said the building had been
secured and an all clear issued.
However, confusion persisted.
According to the USC's Darla Moore School of Business, USC police were
saying not to release students from that nearby building, even though the
threat had passed.
An investigation is being conducted by the State Law Enforcement Division,
which takes the lead in all shootings on S.C. college campuses.
Thom Berry of SLED said the agency was investigating a murder-suicide in the
public health building.
“There was no active shooter other than the two deceased,” Berry said.
No names were released, and Berry wouldn't say if the two killed included
students, faculty or others related to USC.
He had no information on where in the building the shooting happened, other
than it happened in a room.
Berry also said it appeared the shootings were over very quickly.
Richland County Coroner Gary Watts’ office arrived at the scene.
The schoolwide alert went out at 1:16 p.m. in a text message to all 25,000-
plus USC students and faculty saying, “SHORS (CQ) FIRED AT NEW SCHOOL OF
PUBLIC HEALTH. Seek safe shelter.”
Afterward, USC said all public health classes and any classes in the Public
Health Research Center (New School of Public Health) had been canceled for
the remainder of the day.
Carolina Alert tweeted that shots were fired at the University of South
Carolina's new school of public health about 1:30 p.m. Thursday. The Public
Health Research Building is located at 921 Assembly St.
There was an unconfirmed report from an employee at the school, who declined
to give her name, that the shooting happened on the fourth floor of the
As the alert was issued, people were asked to seek a safe shelter. All USC
buildings also were put on lockdown, and police set up a perimeter and
blocking off Park, College and Pendleton Streets. Traffic was closed Park at
College and College at Assembly.
Immediately after the alert, Cameron Razzaghi, 22, a USC student in a bank
parking lot across from the school, said he was worried some friends might
still be in the school.
Razzaghi said he was on the Virginia Tech campus at the time of the 2007
shootings there, while growing up in Blacksburg.
"I'm worried," Razzaghi said. "I've been through this before."
The manager of Subway on Assembly Street said police ordered the shop and
gas station to lock its doors about 1:30 p.m. Six employees were inside.
“The road is blocked,” said the woman, who declined to give her name. “
Nobody in and nobody out.”
“We see in the window a bunch of police officers on the road, fire trucks
and everything,” she said.
"I haven't heard anything," said Ty Williams, manager of a nearby Sandy's
fast-food restaurant. "I've seen some cop cars going toward south main and
some going toward Assembly."
Gov. Nikki Haley cut short a news conference for security concerns Thursday.
Some state government workers, who work close to campus at the Capitol
Complex, also were notified by security officers of the shooting.
Officers in SWAT gear, armed with AR-15s, moved students across Assembly
Street from the school of public health.
Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook was on the scene as well as the Columbia
Fire Department.
There was a report that an ambulance was at the school, but it left.
Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2015/02/05/3971087_shots-fired-at-university-of-south.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy

【在 p*e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: yangfh2004 (小耗子), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 又一个女卢刚!南卡大学枪击案,女PHD打死系主任老板,然后自
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 5 15:57:56 2015, 美东)
: 今天下午,美国南卡罗来纳大学公共卫生系,PHD打死老板,老板是系主任,叫做Raja
: fayad,打
: 死他的是他的女PHD学生!!!
: COLUMBIA, SC — A shooting incident on the University of South Carolina's
: Columbia campus was a murder-suicide.
: University President Harris Pastides declined to comment at 3 p.m. Thursday

发帖数: 43471


【在 p*e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: yangfh2004 (小耗子), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 又一个女卢刚!南卡大学枪击案,女PHD打死系主任老板,然后自
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 5 15:57:56 2015, 美东)
: 今天下午,美国南卡罗来纳大学公共卫生系,PHD打死老板,老板是系主任,叫做Raja
: fayad,打
: 死他的是他的女PHD学生!!!
: COLUMBIA, SC — A shooting incident on the University of South Carolina's
: Columbia campus was a murder-suicide.
: University President Harris Pastides declined to comment at 3 p.m. Thursday

发帖数: 43926
发帖数: 6785

【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 公共卫生系都是研究啥的?统计?
发帖数: 8285


【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 公共卫生系都是研究啥的?统计?
发帖数: 43471

【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 公共卫生系都是研究啥的?统计?
发帖数: 43926

【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 差不多,我很奇怪这系还可能不能毕业?写一个matlab程序一年发个3位数文章都不是
: 什么稀奇事

发帖数: 43471

【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 主要问题是paper太多,刊物不够用
发帖数: 8285


【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 刊物相当多,每次来个流行病都能发好几十年。这系可能比马克思思想教育还容易毕业
发帖数: 4035

【在 z***i 的大作中提到】
: 我爹发过此类文章,还拿了个国家补贴
: 刊物相当多,每次来个流行病都能发好几十年。这系可能比马克思思想教育还容易毕业

发帖数: 8285


【在 s*******t 的大作中提到】
: 我妈连自己名字都不会写。
发帖数: 6785

【在 z***i 的大作中提到】
: 我妈她们有次搞什么教师资格统考
: 她背了两晚上书,考了全校还是市里第一
: 我妈连自己名字都不会写。

发帖数: 32610

【在 p*e 的大作中提到】
: 大概是统计,流行病什么的
1 (共1页)
昨天晚上USC的中秋晚会中国洛杉矶总领事丢大人了 (转载)多活了2星期
杯具了,差点出人命 (转载)intel杀回独立显卡 (转载)
果然是女生打死了生物恶霸教授:哈佛紧急通知的真相 (转载)民主党压迫亚裔无所不用其极。数据说话。民主党太坏! (转载)
今天看看大片《林肯》,发现一个怪现象, (转载)民主党压迫亚裔无所不用其极。数据说话。民主党太坏! (转载)
惊呆了 印度人20美元就可拥有平板电脑这位大妈是谁?
学术贴:Why Is The Penis Shaped Like That?印尼示威者在美国领事馆前抗议
话题: usc话题: health话题: public话题: said话题: school