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Joke版 - 加州怪谭:科幻主题晚会不准上墨西哥菜 (转载)
UCSD道歉了 (转载)文革了:耶鲁破四旧了 (转载)
惠普为Jobs举办“葬礼”,苹果公司怒斥无耻 (转载)加州大学系统真是烂透心儿了。
终于知道女友到底喜欢什么样的人了,晕死。 (转载)NND, 煮熟的鸭子飞了 (转载)
很好奇地问一个问题,不带给人感情色彩! (转载)美国人民热烈欢迎陈光诚先生,
穆斯林女人 (转载)赤裸裸的人体家具摄影 (图)(转载)(18+)
老中们入籍时候莫忘改Last Name呀!!! (转载)肯尼亚地方高中运动会。。跳高
话题: college话题: food话题: mexican话题: students话题: night
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3809
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: sammamish (sammamish), 信区: Military
标 题: 加州怪谭:科幻主题晚会不准上墨西哥菜 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 17 18:30:02 2015, 美东)
发信人: weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长), 信区: Joke
标 题: 加州怪谭:科幻主题晚会不准上墨西哥菜
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 17 17:27:55 2015, 美东)
A California college has apologized for its “insensitivity” after serving
Mexican food at an official school night party whose theme, “Intergalactic,
” included decorations featuring aliens from outer space.
In a letter addressed to its student body, Stevenson College - which is part
of the University of California, Santa Cruz - said it received complaints
from students and others within the university who were offended by the
decision to serve Mexican food at the Sci-Fi party because of its perceived
connection to the immigration debate.
The term “illegal aliens” is sometimes used to describe people who cross
the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation, but many Latinos and
immigration advocates consider it pejorative.
“We would never want to make a connection between individuals of Latino
heritage or undocumented students and ‘aliens,’ and I am so sorry that our
College Night appeared to do exactly that,” reads the letter, which was
written by Carolyn Golz, a student life administrator.
Golz said the incident “demonstrated a cultural insensitivity on the part
of the program planners,” but called it an “unintentional mistake.”
Now, as a result of this “poor decision,” the university is requiring
cultural competence training for all students interested in putting together
on-campus programs as well as other safe guards that “will ensure college
programs are culturally sensitive and inclusive.”
College Night is a special monthly event designed to bring students together
, according to the college’s website, which includes photos from former
themed parties, including “Midnight in Paris,” at which French food was
served, and “Harry Potter,” which featured turkey, potatoes and stew.
“For [the sci-fi] event, students landed on Mexican food because they weren
't sure what food would work with the intergalactic theme,” a college
spokesman told Fox News. “It sounds like an honest mistake - choosing a
food for college night without thinking about how it could be perceived by
others. The students decided on Mexican food as they hadn't had it yet this
year. “
Some believe Stevenson College is overreacting with its decision to not only
apologize, but to now require cultural competence training of program staff.
“This seems a bit of a stretch,” said Geraldo Rivera on the Fox News
Channel’s Fox & Friends on Friday morning. “This seems like political
correctness gone way too far, and now they are going to get much more
inferior food at their next gala for fear of offending.”
Story includes reporting by Brian Tully.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.2
1 (共1页)
肯尼亚地方高中运动会。。跳高很好奇地问一个问题,不带给人感情色彩! (转载)
弯曲马工中大奖了穆斯林女人 (转载)
国内高考和SCA5,没有太多可比性老中们入籍时候莫忘改Last Name呀!!! (转载)
UCSD道歉了 (转载)文革了:耶鲁破四旧了 (转载)
惠普为Jobs举办“葬礼”,苹果公司怒斥无耻 (转载)加州大学系统真是烂透心儿了。
终于知道女友到底喜欢什么样的人了,晕死。 (转载)NND, 煮熟的鸭子飞了 (转载)
话题: college话题: food话题: mexican话题: students话题: night