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Joke版 - CNN为了骂trump说黑人都是罪犯 (转载)
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哈哈,瞟了一眼大象初辩厉害:有人在trump记者会上把cnn, msnbc信号给掐了 (转载)
Re: 左逼已经被Trump 吓尿白宫v5: GOP turnout是因为大家反Trump (转载)
政治故事无j点 - GOP的新动向美帝这社会主义已经成了
trump说失业率42%,本版右棍也说42%失业 (转载)超级礼拜二是3/1,GOP选出600个代表 (转载)
话题: felons话题: trump话题: cnn话题: vote话题: headline
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: CNN为了骂trump说黑人都是罪犯
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 22 06:33:56 2016, 美东)
CNN headline makes blacks and felons synonymous
Sometimes in this business of media analysis, you just have to shake your
head in disbelief.
Today's "WTF" moment comes courtesy of the following CNN Politics headline:
Trump wants GOP to court black voters — then slams voting rights for felons
First off, before getting to the obvious criticism on this one: the headline
above is not for an editorial/opinion piece, but rather what is supposed to
be a standard, non-partisan, just-the-facts-ma'am news story.
But, in attempting to slam Trump for being racist and/or hypocritical for
having the audacity of taking a position on ex-felons not being allowed to
vote, after openly courting the black vote, the authors — Ashley Killough
and Karl de Vries — inadvertently make themselves look that way instead.
Because almost any lucid person seeing such a headline would come to the
same conclusion:
That "blacks" are somehow synonymous with "felons."
Is Trump's perspective on ex-felons voting completely out of step with the
American people, and therefore needs to be called out? Not at all.
The most recent poll on the subject of ex-felons having the right to vote
has 54 percent support via a YouGov survey in April. That's obviously not an
overwhelming majority, but a sliver more than half.
In a related story, the Supreme Court agrees with Trump.
The CNN story goes on to question Trump's criticism of Virginia Governor (
and close Clinton ally) Terry McAuliffe, who intends to override via
executive order a recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down his original
order earlier this year to allow some felons in his state to vote.
All told, per the CNN story, McAuliffe's goal is to allow up to 200,000
felons to vote.
In a related story, President Obama won the state of Virginia by less than
200,000 votes in 2012.
"Hillary Clinton is banking on her friend Terry McAuliffe on getting
thousands of violent felons to the voting booths in an effort to cancel out
votes of both law enforcement and crime victims," Trump said at a Virginia
rally. "They are letting people vote in your Virginia election that should
not be allowed to vote. Sad. Very sad."
And your headline?
Trump wants GOP to court black voters — then slams voting rights for felons.
Boy, that racist GOP nominee sure did contradict himself on this one, didn't
Until he didn't...
And in yet another related item, the writers of said story are both white.
If this is the racial prism they see the country through, it might be time
to look into some adult classes on self-awareness.
Sometimes in this business, you just have to shake your head.
Concha is a media reporter for The Hill.
1 (共1页)
超级礼拜二是3/1,GOP选出600个代表 (转载)哈哈,瞟了一眼大象初辩
超级礼拜二是3/1,GOP选出600个代表 (转载)Re: 左逼已经被Trump 吓尿
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老床这个的确是坏了规矩trump说失业率42%,本版右棍也说42%失业 (转载)
cnn又搞笑了 (转载)现在女克是不是稳了?
cnn v5:又编新闻骂trump (转载)大家都看了GOP debates了吗?
中共国奇巴用语何时休:剥夺政治权利XX年 (转载)政治笑话
话题: felons话题: trump话题: cnn话题: vote话题: headline