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话题: emanuel话题: law话题: rubio话题: president话题: marco
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43471
ObamaCare architect Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel sought Wednesday to defend the
embattled health care law he helped design, in a contentious interview with
Fox News where he tried to pin the blame for rising premiums on Republican
Speaking with "The Kelly File," Emanuel acknowledged premium hikes in some
markets are a "problem" that needs to be addressed. But he also accused
critics of "cherry-picking" the worst-case scenarios.
"Some have gone up higher than others, but the premium hikes are because
they came in, they did re-calibrate the market. They were trying to get
market share, and it is a correction. It is a problem that we do need to
address. But it is not across the board," he said. "And it is going to be a
one-time increase.”
Emanuel also argued that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and other GOP lawmakers
were to blame because of their push to prevent tax dollars from being used
to cover insurance company losses.
"Republicans bear some of the responsibility for this," Emanuel said. "
Remember: Marco Rubio eliminated some of the risk adjustment that actually
buffered and helped the insurance companies in this situation. He took it
out of the budget. And that is a serious problem.”
Host Megyn Kelly pushed back – reminding Emanuel that he was a principal
player in the creation of the health care overhaul.
"You are the architect of the law, sir," Kelly noted. "Let's start with you.
When I get Marco Rubio here, we'll talk to him. You're the architect. You
said it was going to be stable, and what we're hearing today from the chief
executive of the National Association of Health Underwriters is: In many
states, the individual market is 'in a shamble.'"
Emanuel's defense of the law comes as fellow Democrats are suggesting
changes to the system.
Former President Bill Clinton in particular criticized the law earlier this
week during a campaign stop for his wife, calling it a "crazy" system that
leads to rising costs for those unable to qualify for subsidies.
The former president has tried to walk back his statement.
But President Obama and his Democratic allies – including Emanuel – are
also responding to a move by insurers to exit ObamaCare markets by pushing a
so-called “public option.”
A public option – an insurance plan offered by the government – had been
written into early versions of the bill but failed to make the final cut in
the law signed by Obama in 2010. Many states have been scrambling in recent
months to stop private insurers from exiting the market amid concerns over
cost and other factors.
Emanuel has also recently backed the idea of a public option as a way to
keep the president’s signature health care law afloat.
发帖数: 43471


【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 这里面的神逻辑已经超越了我的认知底线了
: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/06/obamacare-architect-on-defense-over-rising-premiums-blames-republicans.html
: ObamaCare architect Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel sought Wednesday to defend the
: embattled health care law he helped design, in a contentious interview with
: Fox News where he tried to pin the blame for rising premiums on Republican
: lawmakers.
: Speaking with "The Kelly File," Emanuel acknowledged premium hikes in some
: markets are a "problem" that needs to be addressed. But he also accused
: critics of "cherry-picking" the worst-case scenarios.
: "Some have gone up higher than others, but the premium hikes are because

发帖数: 3656

【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 老三你一定评论一下,我完全没明白这事情和rubio到底什么关系?
: with

发帖数: 9503
tax payer保险费过高的原因是tax payer不肯多付tax来补贴tax payer的保险费。
1 (共1页)
主党议员对号入座了 (转载)Re: 圣诞了,版大得做点有意义的事 (转载)
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The Trump Style (转载)《西雅图更多的夜》
全世界都罕有這樣迎接單位新上任領導的 (转载)哈哈:NBC被指责whitewashing了 (转载)
话题: emanuel话题: law话题: rubio话题: president话题: marco