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Joke版 - 六个三粉electors的奇葩战术 (转载)
太搞了, 老婊子输了三次 (转载)选举人投票是匿名的吗?
人傻,钱多,又有人骗左派的钱了 (转载)加共老中政治力量还是弱啊
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话题: electors话题: trump话题: vote话题: clinton话题: college
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发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 六个三粉electors的奇葩战术
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 22 14:20:34 2016, 美东)
Sanders Electors Vow To Vote Against Clinton In Wild Attempt To Keep Trump
From White House
Phillip Stucky
11:19 AM 11/22/2016
Six former Bernie supporters joined together in an attempt to buck their
state-mandated vote in an attempt to keep Trump from the White House, but
there’s just one problem: They are mandated to vote for Clinton.
The small contingent hails from the states of Washington and Colorado, but
both states went to Clinton in the general election Nov. 8. The small group
plans to vote against Clinton for the simple reason of instilling doubt in
the constitutionally-enshrined institution of the Electoral College.
Instead of pulling votes away from Trump, the group is trying to raise the
number of electors who vote in a way other than how they are directed by
their respective states. Electors who vote opposite of their mandate are
called “faithless objectors,” and the Bernie supporters are trying to
reach Trump electors who could be on the fence about supporting the
“If you could get eight or 10 Trump electors to vote for someone else …
then that would probably get people’s attention,” political science
professor and Electoral College expert at Texas A&M University George
Edwards III told Politico. “We haven’t ever had that many faithless
electors in one election.”
“If we cannot use the Electoral College as a deliberative process … then
we ought to do away with it,” group leader and Colorado elector Michael
Baca told Politico.
The group asserts that in order to succeed in their goal, they would have to
convince 37 Republican electors to vote against Trump, a number the groups
understands is unlikely. The ultimate goal, the group says, is to reduce the
overall faith the average american voter has in the electoral college
Until the actual votes are tallied, it will be very difficult for either
Democrats or Republicans to ascertain just how effective the movement is,
because there is no organized whip effort to gauge how many electors intend
to vote they way they are instructed.
There is no remedy for a faithless elector.
A small number of Trump electors expressed misgivings about supporting the
president-elect. Texas elector Art Sisneros told Politico that he hasn’t
made up his mind, and South Dakota elector and Gov. Dennis Daugaard called
on Trump to withdraw from the race in October.
Even if the 6 Democrats don’t gain any additional sympathizers to their
cause, it would be the first time so many “faithless electors” rejected a
living presidential candidate since 1802, according to Politico.
The effort comes shortly after it became clear a constitutional amendment
proposed by California Sen. Barbara Boxer would never pass a Republican-
controlled Congress. Senators from 11 Democratic states signed on to support
the measure, but an amendment would need a lot more support to change the
Electoral College.
Read more:
发帖数: 9503
不如说Trump rigged the election。至少也算编个理由,说明还是要点脸的。这样直
1 (共1页)
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人傻,钱多,又有人骗左派的钱了 (转载)加共老中政治力量还是弱啊
转了一圈:拉里又开始blame FBI了 (转载)哈佛教授的脸都被打肿了 (转载)
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话题: electors话题: trump话题: vote话题: clinton话题: college