

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Joke版 - 同学们,学习一下阿三如何包装申请intern (转载)
术版讨论: 为什么不在drone上装sim卡通过4G/LTE网遥控?测谎仪
超简单的侦探推理题---【机器人】 (转载)真假妈妈
机器人AP跳舞Free Robot Sex
Amazing Robot Dance!宝莱坞惊奇
Ketchup Robot Fail大家有这样的老板吗 (转载)
仿生发明 (转载)麻痹的, 所有网站 (转载)
Robot Suit!我设想的机械化驴 (转载)
话题: developed话题: using话题: robotics话题: used话题: lab
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3438
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: octane (octane), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 同学们,学习一下阿三如何包装申请intern
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 19 02:05:58 2017, 美东)
OBJECTIVE: Summer Internship/ Co-op in Robotics Engineering with focus on
perception, learning and planning.
EDUCATION: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA

May 2018 Master of Science in Robotics Engineering, GPA 3.xx/4.0
The L N M Institute of Information Technology, India
2016 Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication, GPA x.xx/10.00
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Program Languages: C, C++, Python, HTML, R, XML Hardware:
Arduino-Uno, R-Pi, STM32, Pixhawk, Kinect, 9-DOF Razor IMU, Picoflexx
Application: MATLAB, Arduino, OpenCV, Octave, V-Rep, Gazebo, ROS, MoveIt!,
Rviz, PCL Library, IAT Toolkit, scikit- learn,NLTK , Microsoft Office (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Theano, OpenRAVE
PROJECTS: Computer Vision: Scene Understanding using Point Cloud
December 2016 - Present Human Augmentation Lab, WPI Developed software for
object segmentation using Euclidean Clustering Algorithm, RANSAC and Sample
Consensus Segmentation models, followed by model matching using RANSAC.
Developed URDF and Gazebo files for hand model with camera attached to it.
Used PCL Libraries in ROS framework in C++, worked on Picoflexx Depth Camera
Motion Planning: Serial Manipulator planning using RRT-Connect
December - March 2017 Course Project,
WPI Developed algorithm for reaching goal state in cluttered environment for
7DOF serial manipulator of PR2 using RRT-Connect. Analyzed results
comparing different combinations step size and biasing. Developed plugin in
C++, used in OpenRave.
Computer Vision and Mobile Robotics: Autonomous Mobile Robot Welder
August - December 2016 Course Project, WPI
Simulated autonomous welding UR5 hand manipulator to detect cracks on wall
and weld it autonomously. Used Kinect from Gazebo to perceive cracks, from
which waypoints were extracted using k-NN algorithm. Used RRT algorithm for
motion planning and obstacle avoidance to trace extracted waypoints as
desired trajectory. Implemented it in ROS framework in C++ using OpenCV,
MoveIt, Gazebo and RViz.
Machine Learning: Extracting Author's Characteristic given an Excerpt
August - December 2016 Course Project, WPI
Developed author profiling system for predicting authors age, sex, and genre
of given book. Used tf-idf and ‘bag of words’ from NLTK Library for data
preprocessing and feature extraction. Compared results for different
classifiers using scikit-learn libraries. Achieved an average accuracy of
about 75% for age and gender prediction. Developed in Python.
Motion Planning: Path Planning for PR2 using A*
May - June
2016 Robotics Lab, LNMIIT Developed plugin for PR2 navigation using A*
algorithm in python for OpenRave. Analyzed different combinations heuristic
and neighbors.
Computer Vision: Moving Object Tracking in Aerial Video
August 2015 - April 2016 SRIG Lab,
LNMIIT Developed software to detect and track moving objects in aerial
videos. Used feature based method for image registration and alignment for
ego-motion compensation from Image Alignment Toolbox (IAT). Used
accumulative background subtraction method for object detection and Kalman
filter for tracking of detected object. Developed in MATLAB on VIVID dataset
Embedded System: Walking of Biped Robot
August 2014 - April 2015
Robotics Lab, LNMIIT Developed gait movement for 10DOF biped robot using
Arduino Uno and 32-Servo Channel. Integrated it with IMU for fall /crash
avoidance. Developed interface to control it with PS2 remote controller
using PSX library. Worked on Arduino.
Embedded System: Wheel Alignment Check System
August 2013 - April 2014 Robotics
Lab, LNMIIT Developed wheel alignment check system, for the chassis of a car
using 3 IMU’s on R-Pi. Used steering angle rotation to decide whether
there is a dis-alignment or not. Interfaced whole hardware. Worked in Python
Embedded System: Fabrication of Quadcopter
January - April 2013
Robotics Lab, LNMIIT Developed quadcopter from scratch including frame, and
hardware interfacing. Developed flight code from scratch to control
quadcopter from remote control and having angular constraints on it with no
more than 30-degree roll-pitch. Developed using Arduino and 9-Dof Razor IMU.
EXPERIENCE: Applications Engineer Intern
2015 - January 2016 Drona Aviation Pvt. Ltd., IIT-Bombay Incubation Centre,
India Developed Altitude control functionality for mini-UAV using PID using
barometer and IMU on STM32 board. Fine-tuned with Kalman Filter and
Complementary Filter. Developed in C++.
Research Intern

May - June 2015 Robotics Research Lab, International Institute
of Informational Technology, India Developed Altitude control of UAV using
PID having Pixhawk controller. Developed in ROS framework in Python. Sensor
calibration and fine tuning parameters was done.
Research Intern

May - June 2014 Robotics Research Lab, International Institute
of Informational Technology, India Developed Heart Rate monitoring system
using Photoplethysmography (PPG). Used high-low pass filters and median
filtering for signal processing and filtering. Developed interface between
MATLAB and system for signal analysis. Developed working porotype on Arduino
发帖数: 36252
老印"牛人''简历我也见过不少。最长的是9页,滿满的 senior, architect, lead,

【在 c*********l 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: octane (octane), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: 同学们,学习一下阿三如何包装申请intern
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 19 02:05:58 2017, 美东)
: 阿三简历包装和相关技术令人发指,所有网上材料都是包装
: 举一个今天我发觉的阿三的包装简历为例,它实际经验美国学习9个月美国工作0个月本
: 国实习3个月,但是简历写得好于是HR发给我看,而且在github上像模像样搞了一个项
: 目,把别人的很复杂的代码拷贝过来,每隔一两周加一两个无关文件,看起来很厉害,
: 实际上什么也没做。但是这个很容易糊弄HR和没时间的经理。另外还在阿三国参加假的
: 高科技公司实际是一个培训公司,然后在美国某些创投网站上发布自己的一个假的公司

1 (共1页)
我设想的机械化驴 (转载)Amazing Robot Dance!
这个日本妹子如何? (转载)Ketchup Robot Fail
坚决打击器人,维护自然人的合法权益!仿生发明 (转载)
刚刚我转的那个“机器人,机器你大爷”是谁删的,麻烦吱个声Robot Suit!
术版讨论: 为什么不在drone上装sim卡通过4G/LTE网遥控?测谎仪
超简单的侦探推理题---【机器人】 (转载)真假妈妈
机器人AP跳舞Free Robot Sex
话题: developed话题: using话题: robotics话题: used话题: lab