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Joke版 - 华盛顿的SWAMP反击川普了 (转载)
民主党ok:要给公园改名,把trump名字去掉 (转载)现在女克是不是稳了?
trump要把所有从中国进口的东西征收45%的税, quit WTOtrump学克林顿了
South Korea says North Korea "must disappear soon"Trump厉害:猛打专家的脸 (转载)
Re: 左逼已经被Trump 吓尿Trump - 禁止一切穆斯林入境
床铺:"They Have To Go" (转载)据说这是川普的儿子
川普指示巴马用包子招待习肥。川普极力反对h-1b program
trump确实厉害 (转载)川普又一个24小时立刻修改的立场,waterboarding
政治故事无j点 - GOP的新动向我帝要内战了!
话题: trump话题: president话题: tariffs话题: lawmakers话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 24893
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: StephenKing (金博士), 信区: USANews
标 题: 华盛顿的SWAMP反击川普了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 3 22:59:37 2018, 美东)
GOP Lawmakers Push Back Against Trump Metal Tariffs
(WASHINGTON) — Republicans in Congress have learned to ignore President
Donald Trump’s policy whims, knowing whatever he says one day on guns,
immigration or other complicated issues could very well change by the next.
But Trump’s decision to seek steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports
has provoked rarely seen urgency among Republican lawmakers, who are
scrambling to convince the president he would spark a trade war that could
stall the economy’s recent gains if he doesn’t reverse course.
The issue pits Trump’s populist promises to his voters against GOP free
trade orthodoxy and the interests of business leaders. And unlike recent
immigration and gun policy changes that require legislation, Trump can alter
trade policy by executive action. That intensifies the pressure on
congressional Republicans to change his mind before he gives his final
approval for the penalties as early as next week.
House Speaker Paul Ryan called Trump after the president’s surprise
announcement, and continues to hope the White House will reconsider the
decision. Top lawmakers, including Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., have also offered
the president their own private counsel. Some are appealing to his desire
for a robust stock market and warning the tariffs could unravel some of the
gains they attribute to the tax bill he signed last year.
1 (共1页)
我帝要内战了!床铺:"They Have To Go" (转载)
女性团体发起拒绝和支持川普的人发生性关系运动ZT (转载)川普指示巴马用包子招待习肥。
昨晚和trump干了一架,直接分居! (转载)trump确实厉害 (转载)
川普和党提名基本稳了政治故事无j点 - GOP的新动向
民主党ok:要给公园改名,把trump名字去掉 (转载)现在女克是不是稳了?
trump要把所有从中国进口的东西征收45%的税, quit WTOtrump学克林顿了
South Korea says North Korea "must disappear soon"Trump厉害:猛打专家的脸 (转载)
Re: 左逼已经被Trump 吓尿Trump - 禁止一切穆斯林入境
话题: trump话题: president话题: tariffs话题: lawmakers话题: he