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Joke版 - 老将喜讯:川大的$1 TRILLION on China关税来了 (转载)
trump要把所有从中国进口的东西征收45%的税, quit WTO政府暂停funding研究高危病毒了
华盛顿的SWAMP反击川普了 (转载)川大发明二氧化碳发电技术 (转载)
锁男小心!撸管一次罚100刀美国背叛华语世界唯一民主国家的意义何在?ZT (转载)
Kelly怒斥阵亡的Khan的父母 (转载)为方便所有人阅读
本周新上映电影(2012.09.12) (转载)听说这次避免财政悬崖造成4个trillion的extra deficit
抱怨22岁还是处男,大学生大开杀戒ZT (转载)这个算不算笑话?
川大副教授研发刷女神器 拍照即可获女生讯息Joe Biden: "Buy a Shotgun" - easier to shoot than AR 15 (转载)
对xxoo最关键的肌肉有那些?怎么练? (转载)这几天太热了
话题: china话题: he话题: trillion话题: trump话题: wuhan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2710
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: 老将喜讯:川大的$1 TRILLION on China关税来了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 30 22:50:08 2020, 美东)
Donald Trump says he has seen evidence that the coronavirus started in Wuhan
virology laboratory – as he warns he could impose tariffs of $1 TRILLION
on China in retribution
Trump said he was confident the virus came from a lab in Wuhan, China
The president also warned he could impose tariffs of $1 trillion on China as
a punishment for the pandemic
He seemed to rule out withholding US debt payments to China calling it a '
rough game' that could damage the 'sanctity' of the dollar
Sources said US officials are seeking retribution from the nation, such as
canceling debt or stripping China of its 'sovereign immunity'
Trump also blasted the World Health Organization Thursday
He then cast doubt on the theory the virus jumped from animals to humans
1 (共1页)
Re: 终于找到比屎还难吃的东西了 (转载)本周新上映电影(2012.09.12) (转载)
价值观输出了,美帝参议员开展自我批评了 (转载)抱怨22岁还是处男,大学生大开杀戒ZT (转载)
...shot down by a blast of wind from Howard Stern’s ass川大副教授研发刷女神器 拍照即可获女生讯息
女权工作者叶海燕 因在微博上发自己裸照被拘留 (转载)对xxoo最关键的肌肉有那些?怎么练? (转载)
trump要把所有从中国进口的东西征收45%的税, quit WTO政府暂停funding研究高危病毒了
华盛顿的SWAMP反击川普了 (转载)川大发明二氧化碳发电技术 (转载)
锁男小心!撸管一次罚100刀美国背叛华语世界唯一民主国家的意义何在?ZT (转载)
Kelly怒斥阵亡的Khan的父母 (转载)为方便所有人阅读
话题: china话题: he话题: trillion话题: trump话题: wuhan