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LES版 - 用点力追求自已想要的快乐
Talent Show & Holday Party!! This Sun Dec 19, 2010les版相关版面&俱乐部
ACTION ALERT: Possible Racism at Gay ClubsDYKE MARCH 06-26-2010
老领导要讲话了Asian American 版 L word
rainbow版都是难过贴,难过bay area lesbian social event
哇。。很黄很暴力视频: 大型公益纪录片《志同志 Queer China》 (转载)
4/24 East Coast Queer Asian Spirituality Retr亞裔同志:合法結婚只是開始 纽约《世界日报》 6/27/11 (转载)
re: Save the date: 5/8/2010, JustHang's May EventNYT: My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant (转载)
JustHang Celebrates Gay Pride on Saturday, June 26th!【gay永远都不要做的事】 (转载)
话题: wave话题: gapimny话题: dates话题: dumpling话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 623
Love dumplings? How about fun dates this summer?
Join Q-Wave and GAPIMNY for Dumplings N' Dates to work your deft dumpling
making skills or bid on some quality time with your favourite community
Regardless of whether you’re a dumpling master or a klutz in the kitchen,
attached or single, come help us raise funds to build and strengthen the
next generation of queer community leaders!
Where: Studio and courtyard of the New York New Church, 114 East 35th St (
between Park & Lexington Aves.)
When: Saturday, 2nd June, 6 - 10pm
Why: Because you want to! (support Q-WAVE and GAPIMNY, that is ;)
You already know the dumpling making stations, diverse dates across the
gender spectrum, cash bar and fabulous MCs are going to keep you entertained
, but we’ll be sending out juicy updates and surprises as the date
approaches, so put us in your calendar!
FaceBook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/271250256304678/
Proceeds from this event will benefit Q-Wave and GAPIMNY leadership building
through attendance at the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance's
Presence, Power and Progress conference in Washington, D.C. this summer.
发帖数: 4016
发帖数: 374
发帖数: 259
Too far away.
发帖数: 623
Here's the dealio!! First of all, thanks again for volunteering to be a
DATE! It takes generosity, kindness, and guts! Oh and awesome-ness.
Below is a vague breakdown of what the night will look like and the order in
which Dates will be "auctioned." Note: There will be first a silent
auction for everyone, then a live auction to put more pressure on the
Also, given the new schedule. Please plan to get to the event by 7:15PM!
6-6:30PM - Eating & Mingling
6:30PM: Our MCs, Dennis Chin & Un Jung Lim, will unveil the bidding sheets
aka preliminary bidding
7:20PM: MC's will do the intro & overview of rules
7:30PM: Auctionee "interview" portion for 3 minutes each.
9:00PM - Bex will do an NQAPIA Plug
9:10PM - 9:45PM - Auction Bidding Portion!!
9:45PM: Bex's Final Ask
The Line-Up
1.) Linda Eng
2.) Rej Joo
3.) Liam Young
4.) Karen Fong
5.) Lauren Francisco
6.) Bex Ahuja
7.) Amy Chang
8.) Weijie Huang
9.) Aneesa Sen
10.) Jerry Lui
11.) Kyoung Park
12.) D'Lo
13.) Marilla Li
14.) Aya Tasaki
15.) Ivy Lee
16.) Priyanka Mitra
17.) Danny Lim
18.) Anjali Chaudhry
19.) Ryan Shen
Auctionees who will be bid on but will not be at the event:
1.) Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai
2.) Deen Mashuq
发帖数: 9799
明天哦~~ 我一定准备好钱去捧你的场~
发帖数: 9799
不是明天,是今天 :( 错过了 :'(

【在 y*e 的大作中提到】
: 明天哦~~ 我一定准备好钱去捧你的场~
发帖数: 836
nice suits! I almost chose this one.

【在 y*e 的大作中提到】
: 明天哦~~ 我一定准备好钱去捧你的场~
1 (共1页)
【gay永远都不要做的事】 (转载)哇。。很黄很暴力
Queer China 纪录片4/24 East Coast Queer Asian Spirituality Retr
同志亮相北京国际马拉松 彩虹旗飞扬天安门广场 (转载)re: Save the date: 5/8/2010, JustHang's May Event
这个周日:纽约活动:上海女爱发起人 想起 分享会JustHang Celebrates Gay Pride on Saturday, June 26th!
Talent Show & Holday Party!! This Sun Dec 19, 2010les版相关版面&俱乐部
ACTION ALERT: Possible Racism at Gay ClubsDYKE MARCH 06-26-2010
老领导要讲话了Asian American 版 L word
rainbow版都是难过贴,难过bay area lesbian social event
话题: wave话题: gapimny话题: dates话题: dumpling话题: new