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LES版 - You know you're from NEW YORK CITY when... (转载)
Amsterdam-Istanbul-Athens-Lesvos-limassol纽约的拉今晚想去clubbing 的么
【PETITION 】to create the category of 'Permanent Partner' (转载)Any good Asian les bars in new york?
【PETITION】Appoint an Advisor on LGBT Youth Issues (转载)征女友/征友-Kansas City
今天拍的NEW YORK--DYKE MARCH,纽约的昨天咋回家的?
Come and Celebrate Feb 20, 2010, in New York City.有oregon的拉拉吗?
Vote for Miss New York 2011 Claire BuffieNYT: Room to Live and Love in China's Cities
大家来为Miss New York Claire Buffie 投票这个攀岩的citi commercial 挺好
有人周末愿意一起去打羽毛球吗?2岁孩子去New York City能玩什么
话题: city话题: new话题: york话题: know话题: when
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 33825
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: LXJSmonk (NYC_和尚), 信区: NewYork
标 题: You know you're from NEW YORK CITY when...
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 26 01:10:29 2008)
facebook link:
1.You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that this means Manhattan.
2.You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building.
3.You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus
Circle to Battery Park at 3:30 on the F
1 (共1页)
2岁孩子去New York City能玩什么Come and Celebrate Feb 20, 2010, in New York City.
Weekend in New YorkVote for Miss New York 2011 Claire Buffie
求助:New York Pass and NYC 旅游 (转载)大家来为Miss New York Claire Buffie 投票
new york住哪儿有人周末愿意一起去打羽毛球吗?
Amsterdam-Istanbul-Athens-Lesvos-limassol纽约的拉今晚想去clubbing 的么
【PETITION 】to create the category of 'Permanent Partner' (转载)Any good Asian les bars in new york?
【PETITION】Appoint an Advisor on LGBT Youth Issues (转载)征女友/征友-Kansas City
今天拍的NEW YORK--DYKE MARCH,纽约的昨天咋回家的?
话题: city话题: new话题: york话题: know话题: when