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Law版 - Questions for lawyers
New York Changes LL.M. Requirements for Foreign Lawyers to Sit State BarFulltime JD vs EveningJD
Re: Who is a IP lawyer now?请教:在美中国公民申请全球专利的最佳次序 (中美欧)?
最近date了一个big firm lawyerRe: Lawyers dont always make good money!
A Tale of Six LawyersThe Snakehead Lawyers(ZZ)
Patent 和IP law and policy 有啥区别?[转载] My court experience(3)
没有JD: 有没有办法建立一个LAW FIRM? 或提供咨询[转载] 请求帮助
找patent agent 工作的问题请教一个问题,关于PATENT LAWYER
how to sue driver at small claim court?What is P.C.? and what is Esq.?
话题: questions话题: lawyers话题: law话题: just话题: also
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 49
You guys must be very successful to step into this highly competitive career.
Just wonder do any of you ever felt language is a big drawback for foreigners,
especially in writing. Also, there are so many law firms and law students, is
it easy to find a somewhat stable job?
1 (共1页)
What is P.C.? and what is Esq.?Patent 和IP law and policy 有啥区别?
当然是了。。Re: 感觉这里不太友好没有JD: 有没有办法建立一个LAW FIRM? 或提供咨询
2L job search找patent agent 工作的问题
这里有办加拿大移民的lawyer吗how to sue driver at small claim court?
New York Changes LL.M. Requirements for Foreign Lawyers to Sit State BarFulltime JD vs EveningJD
Re: Who is a IP lawyer now?请教:在美中国公民申请全球专利的最佳次序 (中美欧)?
最近date了一个big firm lawyerRe: Lawyers dont always make good money!
A Tale of Six LawyersThe Snakehead Lawyers(ZZ)
话题: questions话题: lawyers话题: law话题: just话题: also