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Law版 - 2004 patent bar info
新手问题:关于patent agent
PLI Patent Bar Review Course for sale
PATENT BAR 考试报名及准备一问
请教关于考patent bar的问题
想八月份中考patent bar,请问要啥时候报名呢?
转让patent bar USPTO 内部专门复习资料
转让patent bar USPTO 内部专门复习资料 - 详情看图片
转让patent bar USPTO 内部专门复习资料 - 图片+用过的人的评价
PLI patent bar review homestudy course material for sale
PLI patent Bar Review Homestudy Course material for sale
话题: exam话题: patent话题: bar话题: uspto
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 195
for those of you thinking about taking the patent bar next year, here is the
info clipped from PLI site:
USPTO Examination Changes
The USPTO has announced that, as of 2004, the Patent Bar Examination will be a
computer-based exam. This means that rather than administering the exam in
written format, the exam will be administered only on computers. There is also
some indications that there will no longer be the two established test dates,
but that the Exam will be available more frequen
1 (共1页)
PLI patent Bar Review Homestudy Course material for sale
2012 PLI patent Bar Review Homestudy Course material for sale
”PLI's Patent Bar Review“准备资料CD的密码
4月份后的patent bar exam内容会有多大的变化?
Patent bar
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话题: exam话题: patent话题: bar话题: uspto