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Law版 - suggestions on LSAT and application
今天去考了LSATLSAT materials for sale
请问该如何练习logic呢?LSAT materials for Sale
Re: 问一下新东方的lsat教程资料。请问lsat阅读部分的难度和gre相比如何?
Re: 还要不要明天去考试?LSAT materials on sale
PowerScore 的LSAT书值得买吗?做GAMES做哭了 555555 帮帮我吧
LSAT materials on sale请问那里可以找到成套的LSAT logic game真题?
话题: lsat话题: chinese话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
someone asked for advice on lsat and JD application. i think it is better to
share with everyone.
My suggestion is that
1. get all the materials necessary
2. for chinese, reading com. is the most difficult and focus on that.
3. try not to write on the original papers since you have to do them again
and again.
4. don't be defeated if you find your score is far below what you expect.
just reassure yourself that everyone is like this. even the americans.
5. you will experience several ups and downs
发帖数: 116
Great! Support!


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: someone asked for advice on lsat and JD application. i think it is better to
: share with everyone.
: My suggestion is that
: 1. get all the materials necessary
: 2. for chinese, reading com. is the most difficult and focus on that.
: 3. try not to write on the original papers since you have to do them again
: and again.
: 4. don't be defeated if you find your score is far below what you expect.
: just reassure yourself that everyone is like this. even the americans.
: 5. you will experience several ups and downs

发帖数: 889
Thanks a million!
发帖数: 7
thx for your sharing.
i kept it already; maybe we 'r a littile different.now i am in canada,same
发帖数: 5184
Thanks! great points!
but my colleague just suggested today that we should write on the original
paper since there is no sratch paper in the test. We should get used to
squeezing what we write in between the blanks of questions.


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: someone asked for advice on lsat and JD application. i think it is better to
: share with everyone.
: My suggestion is that
: 1. get all the materials necessary
: 2. for chinese, reading com. is the most difficult and focus on that.
: 3. try not to write on the original papers since you have to do them again
: and again.
: 4. don't be defeated if you find your score is far below what you expect.
: just reassure yourself that everyone is like this. even the americans.
: 5. you will experience several ups and downs

发帖数: 5184
I suspect there is really someone has the time to go through the tests twice.
I think I don't even have time to finish them once. :(
发帖数: 295
There should be enough time for Logical and Analytical for a Chinese
I went through these two sections twice, but only had 5 minutes left when
finishing reading.


【在 i****y 的大作中提到】
: I suspect there is really someone has the time to go through the tests twice.
: I think I don't even have time to finish them once. :(

发帖数: 5184
I believe we are talking about two different things.
Nevertheless, what you said was amazing, at least to me! Curious how you
achieved that, through numerous practices?
Assuming what you said was true, I must not be a Chinese student. :)

【在 a****g 的大作中提到】
: There should be enough time for Logical and Analytical for a Chinese
: student.
: I went through these two sections twice, but only had 5 minutes left when
: finishing reading.
: twice.

发帖数: 167
Yeah,time is everything...


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: someone asked for advice on lsat and JD application. i think it is better to
: share with everyone.
: My suggestion is that
: 1. get all the materials necessary
: 2. for chinese, reading com. is the most difficult and focus on that.
: 3. try not to write on the original papers since you have to do them again
: and again.
: 4. don't be defeated if you find your score is far below what you expect.
: just reassure yourself that everyone is like this. even the americans.
: 5. you will experience several ups and downs

1 (共1页)
请问那里可以找到成套的LSAT logic game真题?Re: 还要不要明天去考试?
LSAT, self taught or going to classPowerScore 的LSAT书值得买吗?
请教关于LSAT准备时间LSAT materials on sale
今天去考了LSATLSAT materials for sale
请问该如何练习logic呢?LSAT materials for Sale
Re: 问一下新东方的lsat教程资料。请问lsat阅读部分的难度和gre相比如何?
话题: lsat话题: chinese话题: my