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Top 30 LAW-school的JD到底值不值得读?生物PhD矛盾纠结ing……想quit Ph.D. 转law,请教大家
请教ironny几位好心的大牛any advice on harvard full-time VS local nameless school part-time
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话题: law话题: 150k话题: school话题: think话题: much
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 71
Hahaha, it's really funny to see those arguments and counterarguments flying
around on the board about which career path is better. Actually I think
that "abcd" did go (or is going) to Harvard Law (I secretly checked his IP
which is from Boston). So he does sound a bit arrogant naturally with his
HLS education but I enjoyed his elegant arguments in fine English.
Anyway, I think, money-wise, lawyers's earning potential is definitely below that
of those investment bankers and hedge fund managers.
发帖数: 240
Frankly speaking, this “law school making you think like a lawyer” thing
is just crap. It’s their open conspiracy to justify charging you 150K for
keeping you in school for three years. To be clear, you do learn stuffs in
law school, but most likely due to your own efforts rather than those of law
professors who think like law professors. Either you can analyze, or you
cannot; law school doesn’t change that. Thinking like a lawyer isn’t that
much different from thinking like a rational perso

【在 m**********n 的大作中提到】
: Hahaha, it's really funny to see those arguments and counterarguments flying
: around on the board about which career path is better. Actually I think
: that "abcd" did go (or is going) to Harvard Law (I secretly checked his IP
: which is from Boston). So he does sound a bit arrogant naturally with his
: HLS education but I enjoyed his elegant arguments in fine English.
: Anyway, I think, money-wise, lawyers's earning potential is definitely below that
: of those investment bankers and hedge fund managers.

发帖数: 591
It's so amazing that after one sememster, I think my critical reasoning
skill does not improve much, just as no matter how much LSAT I practiced, my
score has not improved much at all (compared to GRE). Maybe it's just me.
I hope we have more Chinese who have bright minds like you guys studying law
in US.
But I still enjoy the environment in law school, knowing people from almost
every industry.


【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: Frankly speaking, this “law school making you think like a lawyer” thing
: is just crap. It’s their open conspiracy to justify charging you 150K for
: keeping you in school for three years. To be clear, you do learn stuffs in
: law school, but most likely due to your own efforts rather than those of law
: professors who think like law professors. Either you can analyze, or you
: cannot; law school doesn’t change that. Thinking like a lawyer isn’t that
: much different from thinking like a rational perso

发帖数: 71
"If that’s the only thing you learned in law school, I suggest you sue them
for your 150K and three years' opportunity cost back."
wo wa wee la, you are such a cynical person. Alright, everything is crap:
career, money, reputation, top 14, partner... hehe.
I would say I definitely have had a different learning experience at law
school. maybe I am dumb but you know what? I don't care because I paid my
150K and enjoyed it. Some people paid 150K but didn't enjoy it. That's much
worse and I feel sor

【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: Frankly speaking, this “law school making you think like a lawyer” thing
: is just crap. It’s their open conspiracy to justify charging you 150K for
: keeping you in school for three years. To be clear, you do learn stuffs in
: law school, but most likely due to your own efforts rather than those of law
: professors who think like law professors. Either you can analyze, or you
: cannot; law school doesn’t change that. Thinking like a lawyer isn’t that
: much different from thinking like a rational perso

发帖数: 240
Take it easy---it's April 1st! I fully agree with you that law school can
open many doors to many different careers. But again, when you criticize
other great professions as inferior, be prepared to listen to things that
you don't want to hear.
Here's a much more creative one than mine:


【在 m**********n 的大作中提到】
: "If that’s the only thing you learned in law school, I suggest you sue them
: for your 150K and three years' opportunity cost back."
: wo wa wee la, you are such a cynical person. Alright, everything is crap:
: career, money, reputation, top 14, partner... hehe.
: I would say I definitely have had a different learning experience at law
: school. maybe I am dumb but you know what? I don't care because I paid my
: 150K and enjoyed it. Some people paid 150K but didn't enjoy it. That's much
: worse and I feel sor

发帖数: 195
what can one buy with 150k?
two brand new BMW 745s,
or three Corvettes,
or seven Camrys,
or a nice down payment for a million-dollar house,
or 2.4 million by the time he is 60 years old if he invests the 150k now in
an S&P 500 mutual fund with 10% annual return,
or he can buy three years of "education" in law school.
But, to be positive, it can also buy him a ticket into an old boys club
where he can make 150k a year after law school. If he is lucky to get one
of those jobs, that is.
发帖数: 5184
呵呵,版上正热火朝天讨论JD vs MD呢,这个ZZ的厉害,把两者全都打倒了

below that

【在 m**********n 的大作中提到】
: Hahaha, it's really funny to see those arguments and counterarguments flying
: around on the board about which career path is better. Actually I think
: that "abcd" did go (or is going) to Harvard Law (I secretly checked his IP
: which is from Boston). So he does sound a bit arrogant naturally with his
: HLS education but I enjoyed his elegant arguments in fine English.
: Anyway, I think, money-wise, lawyers's earning potential is definitely below that
: of those investment bankers and hedge fund managers.

发帖数: 331

【在 i****y 的大作中提到】
: 呵呵,版上正热火朝天讨论JD vs MD呢,这个ZZ的厉害,把两者全都打倒了
: flying
: below that
: friend

发帖数: 5184

【在 w*********n 的大作中提到】
: 哪个版?
1 (共1页)
Please help me with this questionJD选校,请版上各位给予指点
好奇一问:法学院里的作业和考试是不是有很多写的东西?請教:one L summer job
1L 进来,看仔细了在六七十名法学院的道路
大家觉得我该转Patent Lawyer吗?前辈给点意见先?认真请教大家llm出路
Top 30 LAW-school的JD到底值不值得读?生物PhD矛盾纠结ing……想quit Ph.D. 转law,请教大家
请教ironny几位好心的大牛any advice on harvard full-time VS local nameless school part-time
话题: law话题: 150k话题: school话题: think话题: much