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Law版 - top30的法学院,比如university of washington, univesrity of maryland怎么样?
career change advice版上要申请法学院的,别不爱听
Three Factors Re: Recommend a Blog请大家帮我分析分析--我这样转行到法律,可行吗?
斗胆问一句:这里有没有Ivy League的law school的?Michigan or UT Austin?
删了就删了吧, Littlenorth同学的回帖不要一起埋没了Got waitlisted...
问: 如何提高语言能力LAW SCHOOL vs 家庭生活
话题: top话题: law话题: chinese话题: schools话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39
university of washington, univesrity of maryland这种档次行吗?
发帖数: 3888
The short answer is yes, that's correct.
发帖数: 39

【在 c**d 的大作中提到】
: 如果进不了前14就找不到好工作吗?
: The short answer is yes, that's correct.

发帖数: 3888
I said it was a short answer. Of course, grades, other soft factors, and
luck can always make up what you lack in school pedigree.
If you look at attorney profiles in a top firm, yes, many lower-ranked
schools are represented. But as you said, they are not the majority.
I don't want to spend too much time on this subject. You can find plenty of
existing discussions on this topic on the internet, even on this board. I'll
say this -- Absent any soft factors and luck, at a school like UWash, you

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: 那为什么牛所里律师的背景什么样的法学院都有?
: 做法律的,说法怎么这么绝对,没有个比例的说法?

发帖数: 320
You shouldn't ask such a provocative question.

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: 那为什么牛所里律师的背景什么样的法学院都有?
: 做法律的,说法怎么这么绝对,没有个比例的说法?

发帖数: 3888
The OP just wanted us to tell him what he wanted to hear. It's a common

【在 D**********s 的大作中提到】
: You shouldn't ask such a provocative question.
发帖数: 39
hehehe, I just want a percentage, your second answer serves well.
then how hard is it to get 20%...

【在 c**d 的大作中提到】
: The OP just wanted us to tell him what he wanted to hear. It's a common
: mentality.

发帖数: 3888
Pretty hard... the chance is like, 1 out of 5. Hehe, how helpful.
In my experience, most people overestimate their chances of getting top
grades. Most of them have done well in their previous life. They assume as
long as they work hard as they've done before, they will do well as they've
done before. WRONG.

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: hehehe, I just want a percentage, your second answer serves well.
: then how hard is it to get 20%...
: thanks:)

发帖数: 461
that's a little discouraging. I'd say if you really work on it, you'll make
top 20%. it's not easy as a lot of people think, but definitely doable.
发帖数: 1757
how about let's share how to do well in exams in 1L, specifically for
Chinese? what to do and what not to do?


【在 n***e 的大作中提到】
: that's a little discouraging. I'd say if you really work on it, you'll make
: top 20%. it's not easy as a lot of people think, but definitely doable.

删了就删了吧, Littlenorth同学的回帖不要一起埋没了物理小硕想转Law,请教各位一下~
问: 如何提高语言能力版上要申请法学院的,别不爱听
发帖数: 461
you'll know when you get there. different professors may have different
styles and emphasis. to do well on all exams is a daunting task. but in
general, i find that it helps a great deal to get an outline well in advance
and do some mock exams as early as possible. in the end most of the exams
are really about how familiar you are with the materials and how fast you
can spit them back on paper. it almost has nothing to do with how smart you
are - working hard and memorize as much as you can will
发帖数: 1757
thanks for sharing. I heard that briefing cases prior to class is not really
necessary from the perspective of getting a good grades. What's your take?

professors to the contrary. to avoid surprise, check their previous exams
early. and talk to

【在 n***e 的大作中提到】
: you'll know when you get there. different professors may have different
: styles and emphasis. to do well on all exams is a daunting task. but in
: general, i find that it helps a great deal to get an outline well in advance
: and do some mock exams as early as possible. in the end most of the exams
: are really about how familiar you are with the materials and how fast you
: can spit them back on paper. it almost has nothing to do with how smart you
: are - working hard and memorize as much as you can will

发帖数: 461
I don't think it's necessary or smart to brief the cases elaborately, but
jotting down some notes while reading the cases before class may be helpful
to get you focused.
发帖数: 951
If you can't get into top14, go to BC, NotreDame, GW, Vandy or Fordham.
Other schools in the top 30 range do not have good placement for non-top-1/3
If still no option, go to a local school with scholarship in a major market
(NY, DC, Chicago, CA) and then work hard, really hard!!!
Otherwise, please reconsider entering law school.

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: 如果进不了前14就找不到好工作吗?
: university of washington, univesrity of maryland这种档次行吗?
: 多谢!

发帖数: 320
Littlenorth is different. He had his undergraduate education here in the US.

发帖数: 951
For T2 law schools, I know some Chinese students got top 10% grade and
joined law reviews. But most of them went to those schools for scholarship,
which is critical for VISA several years ago.

发帖数: 39
So where is littlenorth now???

发帖数: 77
summercd, i'm still around, haven't graduated yet and am doing time at a
firm this summer. responding to your original question, i think school rank
matters, but, as you probably already know, is not outcome determinative.
take U of Maryland for example, since you mentioned it, I met a few U of MD
law school grads last summer. one was clerking for a federal judge and had
a WilmerHale DC offer in hand; another went to Hogan DC after his clerkship.
they are doing better than some of the harva

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: So where is littlenorth now???
: US.
: Top

发帖数: 951
I am sure that top students from UMaryland will do as well as average students from
Harvard. But new applicants, especially Chinese students who may be investing their families' savings, need to know the reality as well as the hope.
No offense, but please do not send wrong signals to people wondering
about going to low-ranking law schools.
Assuming you are from one of the top law schools, you may have no experience
what it is like that half of the JD graduates of a law school have to
take jobs

【在 l*********h 的大作中提到】
: summercd, i'm still around, haven't graduated yet and am doing time at a
: firm this summer. responding to your original question, i think school rank
: matters, but, as you probably already know, is not outcome determinative.
: take U of Maryland for example, since you mentioned it, I met a few U of MD
: law school grads last summer. one was clerking for a federal judge and had
: a WilmerHale DC offer in hand; another went to Hogan DC after his clerkship.
: they are doing better than some of the harva

发帖数: 77
no offense taken. the "signal" i wanted to send, if any at all, is that one
should not dismiss outright a tier-1 program in or near a major legal
market when looking for law schools.
Michigan or UT Austin?LAW SCHOOL vs 家庭生活
Got waitlisted...问columbia law school毕业的就业和salary?
发帖数: 309
OK, let's demystify "under-in-the-US" and littlenorth:
so what exactly is the thing that made the difference in littlenorth's "
undergraduate education here in the US"?
I know some "under-in-the-US" losers with mediocre jobs
I also know ppl in top3 law schools who finished their under in China
looks like "under-in-the-US" is neither necessary nor sufficient to rank

发帖数: 1257
Littlenorth has set a great example. But are you sure he is the only one?
I know Chinese (under in China) who were James Kent scholar from CLS,
that's about top 3% right?
And not to mention several Chinese I know who graduated with Magna from
top law schools.

发帖数: 309
fact check: Kent Scholar
A Kent Scholar is awarded in recognition of outstanding academic achievement
. Kent requires an earned average significantly better than A- and is
generally awarded to the top 8 percent of each class (as low as 2 percent of
1Ls and as high as 11 percent of 3Ls).

【在 O*****g 的大作中提到】
: Littlenorth has set a great example. But are you sure he is the only one?
: I know Chinese (under in China) who were James Kent scholar from CLS,
: that's about top 3% right?
: And not to mention several Chinese I know who graduated with Magna from
: top law schools.
: US.
: Top

发帖数: 1257
I remember I read from CLS website that Kent was rewarded to top 1-3 percent
of each class.
From the cache:
And regardless, it is the highest academic honor from a top law school.


【在 k****a 的大作中提到】
: fact check: Kent Scholar
: A Kent Scholar is awarded in recognition of outstanding academic achievement
: . Kent requires an earned average significantly better than A- and is
: generally awarded to the top 8 percent of each class (as low as 2 percent of
: 1Ls and as high as 11 percent of 3Ls).

发帖数: 77
ha, i hope there's nothing "mysterious" about me. i am just one of the many
people who go to law school and don't hate it, and I also think more
Chinese students should try this route, and am doing a little nudging here
and there to get more Chinese students to consider this option. kafuka,
your point is well taken, but i admit there's perhaps an advantage in having
(partially) gone to college here. it's not because the quality of
education here is higher (in a lot of ways it is not, at least

【在 k****a 的大作中提到】
: OK, let's demystify "under-in-the-US" and littlenorth:
: so what exactly is the thing that made the difference in littlenorth's "
: undergraduate education here in the US"?
: I know some "under-in-the-US" losers with mediocre jobs
: I also know ppl in top3 law schools who finished their under in China
: looks like "under-in-the-US" is neither necessary nor sufficient to rank
: high
: US.
: Top

发帖数: 1257
very well said.
btw, how is sully treating you? any rumor about a possible raise? :-)


【在 l*********h 的大作中提到】
: ha, i hope there's nothing "mysterious" about me. i am just one of the many
: people who go to law school and don't hate it, and I also think more
: Chinese students should try this route, and am doing a little nudging here
: and there to get more Chinese students to consider this option. kafuka,
: your point is well taken, but i admit there's perhaps an advantage in having
: (partially) gone to college here. it's not because the quality of
: education here is higher (in a lot of ways it is not, at least

发帖数: 77
i like the firm a lot, as far as law firm jobs go, particularly because there are so many Chinese associates here. no word on any raise though other than the ATL rumor.
but i can wait another year for it to happen. :)

【在 O*****g 的大作中提到】
: very well said.
: btw, how is sully treating you? any rumor about a possible raise? :-)
: many
: having
: people

发帖数: 341
I am not a big believer of top school, and strongly disagree the idea that
only top schools are worth going. Top schools certainly have the advantage
of more resources, but so long as the school is renowned, not in remote
rural area, and has certain local influence, then it is a good school to
study law. After all, not everyone's target is high-pressure big firm job.
发帖数: 309
I don't disagree with you
I think it's all about social/cultural context
not "quality" of education
I am surprised to find out that they actually use Kant and Bentham in LSAT
so those who have taken western philosophy 101 might have an advantage over
sci/tech chinese students
they claim that it's all about logic
but knowledge ertainly helps


【在 l*********h 的大作中提到】
: ha, i hope there's nothing "mysterious" about me. i am just one of the many
: people who go to law school and don't hate it, and I also think more
: Chinese students should try this route, and am doing a little nudging here
: and there to get more Chinese students to consider this option. kafuka,
: your point is well taken, but i admit there's perhaps an advantage in having
: (partially) gone to college here. it's not because the quality of
: education here is higher (in a lot of ways it is not, at least

发帖数: 309
to your surprise: I mean LR


【在 D**********s 的大作中提到】
: Littlenorth is different. He had his undergraduate education here in the US.
: week
: your
: a

关于找IP firm的technology specialist工作的问题career change advice
Recommend a BlogThree Factors Re: Recommend a Blog
求教:重考LSAT后的分数问题~斗胆问一句:这里有没有Ivy League的law school的?
发帖数: 320
Your argument against LSAT won't hold because there are plenty of science/
tech artilces used in the LSAT. The reading comprehension has to be about
some specific subject. The LSAT covers a variety of topics and fields and is
not particularly biased against students from a certain field.


【在 k****a 的大作中提到】
: I don't disagree with you
: I think it's all about social/cultural context
: not "quality" of education
: I am surprised to find out that they actually use Kant and Bentham in LSAT
: so those who have taken western philosophy 101 might have an advantage over
: sci/tech chinese students
: they claim that it's all about logic
: but knowledge ertainly helps
: many

发帖数: 309
read carefully before you agree or disagree with sb
check post [32]
I said LR
not RC
but obviously you have a lot to improve in RC ;-)

发帖数: 309
how urgent and necessary to transfer?
I think unless you are in top 5
there is always the question
to transfer or not
I know ppl jumped from tier 3 to top 20
and top 14 to top 5
if you are top 10% in you class (not in top 5)
should you transfer?
what are the pro's and con's



【在 l*********h 的大作中提到】
: summercd, i'm still around, haven't graduated yet and am doing time at a
: firm this summer. responding to your original question, i think school rank
: matters, but, as you probably already know, is not outcome determinative.
: take U of Maryland for example, since you mentioned it, I met a few U of MD
: law school grads last summer. one was clerking for a federal judge and had
: a WilmerHale DC offer in hand; another went to Hogan DC after his clerkship.
: they are doing better than some of the harva

发帖数: 1757
this topic has been discussed multiple times at xoxo and the general view is
it makes sense for a top 10% at tier 2/3, but not necessarily for a top 10%
at t14 especially with law review.

【在 k****a 的大作中提到】
: how urgent and necessary to transfer?
: I think unless you are in top 5
: there is always the question
: to transfer or not
: I know ppl jumped from tier 3 to top 20
: and top 14 to top 5
: if you are top 10% in you class (not in top 5)
: should you transfer?
: what are the pro's and con's

发帖数: 320
My 2 cents
No Top5, it's Top 3 vs. The rest.
HYS are special because they put more students in the Supreme Court.
It doesn't make sense for a top 10% student in any of the 4-14 law schools
to transfer to Y H or S unless he/she wants to become a Supreme Court Clerk.
In that case, you still need to make it to the top of YHS to be qualified.
If you just want to work for a good law firm, top 10% in any of the top 14
schools is more than enough.

【在 k****a 的大作中提到】
: how urgent and necessary to transfer?
: I think unless you are in top 5
: there is always the question
: to transfer or not
: I know ppl jumped from tier 3 to top 20
: and top 14 to top 5
: if you are top 10% in you class (not in top 5)
: should you transfer?
: what are the pro's and con's

发帖数: 1269
You have to be top 5% of class. Of course the economy affects that too. In
2003, you could be an honor student at a top 10 school and still end up out
of a top 30 firm.

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: 如果进不了前14就找不到好工作吗?
: university of washington, univesrity of maryland这种档次行吗?
: 多谢!

1 (共1页)
问columbia law school毕业的就业和salary?删了就删了吧, Littlenorth同学的回帖不要一起埋没了
关于找IP firm的technology specialist工作的问题问: 如何提高语言能力
Recommend a Blog请教LSAT和选校的问题
career change advice版上要申请法学院的,别不爱听
Three Factors Re: Recommend a Blog请大家帮我分析分析--我这样转行到法律,可行吗?
斗胆问一句:这里有没有Ivy League的law school的?Michigan or UT Austin?
话题: top话题: law话题: chinese话题: schools话题: us