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Law版 - I want to sue the school. Please help me.
Is a lawsuit proper by LIA now?关于租房和房东纠纷问题
和CITY 打官司求助!!!法律问题问个粗浅的问题
拜谢- 如果您能回答这个关于medical practice 的法律问题算了吧Re: 我能要求牙医赔偿吗?
大家挑移民律师要小心买了个空调 没想到那么重 闪腰了 能不能索赔...
How to deal with this attorney ? Thanks被修车铺黑了500 (转载)
和解协议Stipulation of settlement能有多大效用???再问关于房东的问题
话题: school话题: sue话题: me话题: worker话题: case
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
I got a terrible injure because school sent me to do the unsafe work without
any training. Can any friends here who are familiar with Idaho law help me
answer these questions below:
1 Can I sue the school in this case?
2 If so, what is the law process I should follow to sue the school?
3 How much is it going to cost to put the case on its process?
If you are an attorney who is interested in the case, I would like to talk
to you anytime. My e-mail is: g*********[email protected]
发帖数: 204
you might have a case, but depends on your state law and your relationship w
/ the school (worker's compensation etc), consult with a local lawyer
I don't think you need to worry about the fees, personal injury lawyers work
under contingent fee, so you win they win, you lose they lose, and most lik
ely a case is going to settle.


【在 q**o 的大作中提到】
: I got a terrible injure because school sent me to do the unsafe work without
: any training. Can any friends here who are familiar with Idaho law help me
: answer these questions below:
: 1 Can I sue the school in this case?
: 2 If so, what is the law process I should follow to sue the school?
: 3 How much is it going to cost to put the case on its process?
: If you are an attorney who is interested in the case, I would like to talk
: to you anytime. My e-mail is: g*********[email protected]

发帖数: 5
I want to sue the school for its terrible fault instead of getting the
compensation from the Insurance Company. I have an attorney doing the worker
's compensation thing for me. However, I do not think that school can take
off all responsibility to the accident even though they had bought a
insurance for me. It does not make sense that the school can send me to do
the unsafe work without training and warning since they had bought an
insurance for me. right?
I do want to sue the school. I do not
发帖数: 204
now looks like you don't have a case after all if the injury is covered unde
r worker's compensation. The whole idea of worker's comp is you don't have t
o prove your employer is negligent and the employer won't face an unpredicta
ble trial.
Unless you can prove the school is reckless/willful in causing your injury,
you probably don't have a case towards your school. But anyway, talk to a pe
rsonal injury lawyer and they may have better advice.


【在 q**o 的大作中提到】
: I want to sue the school for its terrible fault instead of getting the
: compensation from the Insurance Company. I have an attorney doing the worker
: 's compensation thing for me. However, I do not think that school can take
: off all responsibility to the accident even though they had bought a
: insurance for me. It does not make sense that the school can send me to do
: the unsafe work without training and warning since they had bought an
: insurance for me. right?
: I do want to sue the school. I do not

发帖数: 5
Do you mean that I can not sue the school if my case is covered under worker
's compensation? As you know, the worker's compensation only concerns about
how serious my injure is. However, it does not concern about how it happened
? Obviously, the school has the main responsibility to the causing of the
accident. I can not just let it go. Even though there is only a little
possibility to sue it, I will do whatever I can do to catch the possibility.
I already talked to the personal injury lawyers

【在 a***a 的大作中提到】
: now looks like you don't have a case after all if the injury is covered unde
: r worker's compensation. The whole idea of worker's comp is you don't have t
: o prove your employer is negligent and the employer won't face an unpredicta
: ble trial.
: Unless you can prove the school is reckless/willful in causing your injury,
: you probably don't have a case towards your school. But anyway, talk to a pe
: rsonal injury lawyer and they may have better advice.
: worker

发帖数: 5
The only thing I am pursuing is to be Equal Justice Under Law. They made the
terrible fault on me, therefore, they must pay for that!
发帖数: 204
this is beyond my expertise, but I strongly suspect the reasons why they don
't want to take your case are either their is little chance, or the damage i
s too low for them to profit, or both.
Sometimes the law operates in a way that individual grievance can't get adeq
uate redress, but it is said by many people that the ultimate goal is to max
imize social welfare.
And by the way, there is no such thing like equal justice.


【在 q**o 的大作中提到】
: The only thing I am pursuing is to be Equal Justice Under Law. They made the
: terrible fault on me, therefore, they must pay for that!

发帖数: 5
If you lose a thumb like me just because of your employer's fault, can you
still say "Sometimes the law operates in a way that individual grievance can
't get adequate redress"?
The damage is going to affect my whole life in the bad way. Somebody has to
take the responsibility for that, right? Maximizing social welfare doesn't
mean taking people's right away, right?
发帖数: 496
That's not the point. The point is you cannot BOTH claim worker's comp AND
maintain a cause of action against your school. If you want to sue your
school, then you cannot take even a penny from worker's comp.


【在 q**o 的大作中提到】
: If you lose a thumb like me just because of your employer's fault, can you
: still say "Sometimes the law operates in a way that individual grievance can
: 't get adequate redress"?
: The damage is going to affect my whole life in the bad way. Somebody has to
: take the responsibility for that, right? Maximizing social welfare doesn't
: mean taking people's right away, right?

发帖数: 341
Second to that.


【在 j****i 的大作中提到】
: That's not the point. The point is you cannot BOTH claim worker's comp AND
: maintain a cause of action against your school. If you want to sue your
: school, then you cannot take even a penny from worker's comp.
: can
: to

1 (共1页)
医生的推荐信,医疗事故和法律诉讼 (转载)How to deal with this attorney ? Thanks
请教美国诉讼时效的问题和解协议Stipulation of settlement能有多大效用???
Is a lawsuit proper by LIA now?关于租房和房东纠纷问题
和CITY 打官司求助!!!法律问题问个粗浅的问题
拜谢- 如果您能回答这个关于medical practice 的法律问题算了吧Re: 我能要求牙医赔偿吗?
话题: school话题: sue话题: me话题: worker话题: case