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Law版 - Urgent help needed
Urgent Help Needed! Please Please Please! long story and kind of confusingFollow up -- Re: Urgent question (转载)
URGENT HELP NEEDED: patent/IP atterney needed to file a paThe problems for double new h1b applications (转载)
Senior associate just gave me his share of the assignment!Could somebody help me with this landlord-tenant case. Very Urgent.
用过WES评估的帮忙看一下! UrgentH1 transfer to F1, need help urgently
help, urgent急求法律咨询:Seperation Agreement
向前辈求教:law firm callback experienceUrgent: A question about California law!!!
Westlaw? Where to find China cases?搬个人物品是应该在提出辞呈前还是后搬?
话题: urgent话题: needed话题: him话题: now话题: lose
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 42
Sorry I don't have Chinese input.
I got this serious problem needing professional help and suggestions.I
recruited this Nigerian person but now an american citizen. He has been here
for more than a year and only made some progress on two of the ten small
tasks I gave him. I gave him poor evaluation at the end of last year. Now I
want to let him go because I cannot afford the money and time as an
assistant professor with a lot of pressure on tenure. At the beginning, he
agreed to resign on Feb 28
发帖数: 1138
发帖数: 42
Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
I am not afraid of the results, even we go to the court. I have enough
evidence to show that he is the one doing the forgery, and our admin and HR
will support me because this is not rare to them. My only worry is that our
institute is one of the best in the field and media would love to follow
this type of sensitive things. It is going to be a lose-lose situation, and
more problematically the process will be lengthy.
I thought professionals were also here on th
发帖数: 5184

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: 找律师吧,学校就应该有
: 这儿混的不是准备去上学的,正在上学的,就是感兴趣的2把刀。律师是不会在网上白
: 服务的。

发帖数: 52
No professionals (if you mean lawyers) can give you any professional advice
without potentially losing their law licenses as a result (don't ask why; it
is hard to explain to a layperson).
Anyway, use your head. You can answer your own questions with common sense.
You are concerned about medial, but so what? Do you have any choice?
Nothing is perfect, and you have to take your chances. It looks like that
you are already in a lose-lose situation, and need to learn how to cut your
loss (or lo
1 (共1页)
搬个人物品是应该在提出辞呈前还是后搬?用过WES评估的帮忙看一下! Urgent
真心求教欠学费的问题help, urgent
Can a company withhold employees' quarterly bonus when they resign?向前辈求教:law firm callback experience
何时去念JDWestlaw? Where to find China cases?
Urgent Help Needed! Please Please Please! long story and kind of confusingFollow up -- Re: Urgent question (转载)
URGENT HELP NEEDED: patent/IP atterney needed to file a paThe problems for double new h1b applications (转载)
Senior associate just gave me his share of the assignment!Could somebody help me with this landlord-tenant case. Very Urgent.
话题: urgent话题: needed话题: him话题: now话题: lose