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Law版 - possible questions for the writing test? (tech. advisor)
问个patent agent/tech advisor办绿卡的问题Tech advisor in firm/corp
说点自己找tech advisor/patent agent的经验EE/CS PhD到Law Firm做IP/patent specialist/advisor的起薪多少啊?
拿到offer (tech. advisor), 散尽家财发包子!!关于EE专业做patent的准备
patent agent vs tech advisorhow to write cover letter and CV for Biotech patent agent position
急!!!technical advisor的writing sample问题(附面经)请问 (转载)
申请technical advisor,需要的writing sample通常要多长?该如何准备patent agent/technical advisor interview?
请问 Writing sample 的内容 -Biochemistry Scientific Advisor Position申请patent agent的简历应该突出什么呢?
求助:writing exam for a technical advisor position寻求帮助--理工背景申请patent technical advisor
话题: writing话题: advisor话题: questions话题: tech话题: possible
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
A top patent firm asked me to take a 3 hour writing exercise for the
screening interview of a tech. advisor position. I was told that the topic
will be closely related to my own research field. I am brand new to patent
law. I wonder if anyone could shed me some light on the possible questions
they are gonna ask?
Many thanks in advance! !
发帖数: 8550
which firm is that? not many firms give on-site writing tests.
the point of the test is to assess your ability to explain complicated
technical matters using simple and accurate language. just make sure people
outside your field can understand what you write. don't be too technical.
they probably won't ask you to write anything about patent law.
1 (共1页)
寻求帮助--理工背景申请patent technical advisor急!!!technical advisor的writing sample问题(附面经)
请教:patent agent面试经验申请technical advisor,需要的writing sample通常要多长?
问一个有关公司和学校的IP的问题请问 Writing sample 的内容 -Biochemistry Scientific Advisor Position
找工作请大家帮忙出出主意.求助:writing exam for a technical advisor position
问个patent agent/tech advisor办绿卡的问题Tech advisor in firm/corp
说点自己找tech advisor/patent agent的经验EE/CS PhD到Law Firm做IP/patent specialist/advisor的起薪多少啊?
拿到offer (tech. advisor), 散尽家财发包子!!关于EE专业做patent的准备
patent agent vs tech advisorhow to write cover letter and CV for Biotech patent agent position
话题: writing话题: advisor话题: questions话题: tech话题: possible