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Law版 - Law Schools Are Scam
中国JD associates 做几年,都去做什么了?
[转载] Cult couple accused of starving baby
GOP fact No.1-fiscal conservative
Re: Law school application: dean's letter
Dean Certification
Dean's Certification 国内的本科怎么办?
不好意思再发一遍cornell law school
How to get a Dean's certification in China
话题: law话题: schools话题: chinese话题: web话题: mr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
David Segal, Is Law School a Losing Game? Deans say graduates are working.
They don't say how many are at Home Depot. New York Times, Jan 9, 2011 (
Sunday Business section). segal&st=cse&scp=1
Excerpt in the window of the print: Law schools, with their large lecture
classes, can be cash cows for universities.
"But the legal market has always been obsessed with academic credentials,
and today, few students except those with strong grade-point averages at top
national and regional schools can expect a come-hither from a deep-pocketed
firm. Nearly everyone else is in for a struggle." Web page 2.
"Mr. Wallerstein is chatting over lunch one recent afternoon with his fianc
ée, Karin Michonski. She, too, seems unperturbed by his dizzying collection
of i.o.u.’s." Same.
Finding only odd jobs after graduation and with a quarter-million student
loan, Mr. Wallerstein "for his part, is not complaining. Once you throw in
the intangibles of having a J.D., he says, he is one of law schools’
satisfied customers. 'It’s a prestige thing,' he says. " Web page 7.
My comment: A few years ago, I tried to help out in this board answering
questions as best I could--though I explicitly stated I was not a lawyer or
a law student. I asked others to chip in, to no avail. Some Chinese, upset
about my Taiwanese, drove me out. They insisted law careers were rosy for
Chinese law students, dismissed my observation that few Asians were
recruited as associates in white-shoe law firms in greater Boston area (
they contended Boston was an anomaly and that everything was Kosher,
especially in California). I hope they are right and that they have
successful careers at present. God bless America.
发帖数: 3888
This profession is definitely overfilled with people who are not qualified
to and should not be in this profession. Unfortunately the state bars are
just admitting people left and right.
发帖数: 6973
The correct link is
I also fix the URL in the original.


【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: David Segal, Is Law School a Losing Game? Deans say graduates are working.
: They don't say how many are at Home Depot. New York Times, Jan 9, 2011 (
: Sunday Business section).
: segal&st=cse&scp=1
: Excerpt in the window of the print: Law schools, with their large lecture
: classes, can be cash cows for universities.
: Quote:
: "But the legal market has always been obsessed with academic credentials,
: and today, few students except those with strong grade-point averages at top
: national and regional schools can expect a come-hither from a deep-pocketed

发帖数: 154
What about the route of part-time law school with tuition reimbursement from
the employer?
Going to night schools while working is brutal, but it can help career-wise.
发帖数: 123
If you actually read the article, the protagonist is a financially
irresponsible moron who thinks that going to Thomas Jefferson Law School
still worth it because of the prestige of being an attorney perceived by his
family and friends.
Top law schools are not scams, TTTs are scams.
发帖数: 328
你看玩笑了。Top 12 Law school出来5年后还没有正式工作的人占大多数。多少钱投进
去了?要是在wall street这样早被抓进去了。


【在 w****o 的大作中提到】
: If you actually read the article, the protagonist is a financially
: irresponsible moron who thinks that going to Thomas Jefferson Law School
: still worth it because of the prestige of being an attorney perceived by his
: family and friends.
: Top law schools are not scams, TTTs are scams.

1 (共1页)
How to get a Dean's certification in China
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话题: law话题: schools话题: chinese话题: web话题: mr