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Law版 - patent agent job sucks?
California Residence&&&&&&&&&&&&【$】FREE LIVE Christmas trees at Home Depot B&M YMMV
自己开的公司要多久才能办H1B和绿卡? (转载)请问现在还会有builder用chinese dry wall造新房子吗?
One questions about 103(c)越来越觉得巴菲特讲得对
出租有麻烦 please HELPRobert Kraft to Bill Belichick
willy-nilly: "任性“的最佳英译美国骂人必备 (转载)
以下id版面pa的证据Dinner for Schmucks
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话题: patent话题: work话题: them话题: satisfied话题: just
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6402
just bumped into a forum talking about patent agent positions that involved
many patent agents discussion. One of the posts quoted:
I approached IP toward ends related to yours. I can say that I've satisfied
most of my goals ... except for any sense of stability or pride.
Despite any comments regarding turning the knife, I am quite satisfied with
the money I make. And I don't work long hours. Hell I have to beg to stay bu
sy. The easiest thing for me to do at my current employment is to fall out o
f the loop and idle. The work is all divided up into practice groups by the
attorneys. They have little meetings in nice little rooms with bagels and co
ffee and everything. But I'm not invited. So I get my work under the ... tri
ckle down theory I suppose. But I can't see past the layer of rocks (the ass
ociates) just above me that occasionally drip on me. I'm just some sort of o
ver-flow valve ... sitting empty and ready much of the time.
Like you, I have a PhD. I had hoped that with that degree I would one day fi
nd sensible employment. But I haven't. The money is great. Any job has polit
ics. But as a patent agent at a law firm, I have a wall of bosses ... all th
e attorneys. While any one of them on any given day may make a little sense
... when I integrate the experience ... I feel like a target in an air rifle
game in a carnival with lots of little kids jacked up on candy and soda pop
firing away at me with their little rifles. No one of their projectiles has
killed me yet ... but I'm constantly subjected to their senseless revisions
on my work and their manipulating tactics that preclude my security in an e
nvironment where protocol and order and help from the staff is needed. None
of it seems real. It's all just a big carnival game ... I can't win it becau
se I'm part of the scenery of the game ... I'm not actually playing the game
Maybe you can find security in two places that I see potentially available t
o you:
If you live in a city of any size ... there are likely several or many carni
vals that I've described in your city. Just look around your city to see how
many patent practices exist. When you get sick of the blue cotton candy at
the first carnival ... go try the red cotton candy at the second. Eventually
you'll see it's all the same ... but you can fool yourself a few months at
a time with each new job. I think I've said before ... law firms don't ask t
oo many questions about why you're changing jobs. They suffer profound hubri
s. Tell them that you weren't happy at your last job and they'll understand
... after all ... you were working for Tinky LaLa and Poe but you're applyi
ng to Willy Nilly and Schmuck ... everybody knows working at Willy Nilly and
Schmuck is better than working at Tinky LaLa and Poe. Seriously, look them
in the eye and tell them that and they'll be satisfied. It's what they want
to hear. You're smarter than them. You can manipulate them.

On the other hand, maybe your spouse can bring home the security and you can
bring home some extra bacon. That way, if things get too crazy at your firs
t firm (and they will), then you can just take some time off before you move
on to your next. Or maybe you can one day do overflow work for several dist
ant law firms that you never have to visit. Other patent agents work that wa
As far as pride goes ... forget about it as a patent agent. Your work will b
e supervised, and typically contaminated with poor judgment, by youngsters w
ith less education and experience than yourself. That's just how it goes.
发帖数: 5184
everything has a spectrum, and it matters which end you are at.


【在 I*****y 的大作中提到】
: just bumped into a forum talking about patent agent positions that involved
: many patent agents discussion. One of the posts quoted:
: I approached IP toward ends related to yours. I can say that I've satisfied
: most of my goals ... except for any sense of stability or pride.
: Despite any comments regarding turning the knife, I am quite satisfied with
: the money I make. And I don't work long hours. Hell I have to beg to stay bu
: sy. The easiest thing for me to do at my current employment is to fall out o
: f the loop and idle. The work is all divided up into practice groups by the
: attorneys. They have little meetings in nice little rooms with bagels and co
: ffee and everything. But I'm not invited. So I get my work under the ... tri

发帖数: 2544
which website (forum) ?


【在 I*****y 的大作中提到】
: just bumped into a forum talking about patent agent positions that involved
: many patent agents discussion. One of the posts quoted:
: I approached IP toward ends related to yours. I can say that I've satisfied
: most of my goals ... except for any sense of stability or pride.
: Despite any comments regarding turning the knife, I am quite satisfied with
: the money I make. And I don't work long hours. Hell I have to beg to stay bu
: sy. The easiest thing for me to do at my current employment is to fall out o
: f the loop and idle. The work is all divided up into practice groups by the
: attorneys. They have little meetings in nice little rooms with bagels and co
: ffee and everything. But I'm not invited. So I get my work under the ... tri

发帖数: 951
Law firm里patent agent永远是二等公民,一定要上学做lawyer。


【在 I*****y 的大作中提到】
: just bumped into a forum talking about patent agent positions that involved
: many patent agents discussion. One of the posts quoted:
: I approached IP toward ends related to yours. I can say that I've satisfied
: most of my goals ... except for any sense of stability or pride.
: Despite any comments regarding turning the knife, I am quite satisfied with
: the money I make. And I don't work long hours. Hell I have to beg to stay bu
: sy. The easiest thing for me to do at my current employment is to fall out o
: f the loop and idle. The work is all divided up into practice groups by the
: attorneys. They have little meetings in nice little rooms with bagels and co
: ffee and everything. But I'm not invited. So I get my work under the ... tri

1 (共1页)
没有人讨论dinner for schmucks?willy-nilly: "任性“的最佳英译
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California Residence&&&&&&&&&&&&【$】FREE LIVE Christmas trees at Home Depot B&M YMMV
自己开的公司要多久才能办H1B和绿卡? (转载)请问现在还会有builder用chinese dry wall造新房子吗?
One questions about 103(c)越来越觉得巴菲特讲得对
出租有麻烦 please HELPRobert Kraft to Bill Belichick
话题: patent话题: work话题: them话题: satisfied话题: just