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Law版 - Scalia interview
帮忙找个topicWhich moot court competition is better?
PLI materials for saleGeorgia v. Randolph
PLI 最新网上课程转让请问偶该怎么跟老板说转学的事对他的伤害到最小?
请问股市交易策略可以申请专利吗?Poll: 1L summer
2012 PLI patent Bar Review Homestudy Course material for saleMy experience with LSAT
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got acceptance from Georgetown LawHOA Bylaw 问题
话题: he话题: scalia话题: most话题: interview话题: justice
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
1. He said the most contentious one is Bush v. Gore
I thought it was a crappy one. They could have ducked the whole thing as a
political question.
2. He refused to reveal which is the most difficult case. When pushed, he
alluded to "a patent case," asserted it as "insignificant" and made fun of
the anchor "do you really want to know about it?"
I wonder if the purportedly most difficult case is Bilski v. Kappos.
3. The dude enjoys media hype as the most important justice in the past 40-
50 years. At the interview, he looked more tense than presiding over our
moot court finals, though.
发帖数: 1022
Scalia and Clearance
my top two unfavorite persons in the court
guess I am very left! LOL
发帖数: 275
Scalia's rhetorical prowess is usually admirable. But I have to say he
performs better in writing opinions than doing interviews. The guy is
powerful, but to say he is most powerful justice in the past 30-50 years is
an overstatement.
发帖数: 1022
who said he is most powerful justice? And how do you define power? by the
opinions in most important cases? Then without a doubt in my mind the most
powerful justice in the past 30 years is Sandra.


【在 o*********s 的大作中提到】
: Scalia's rhetorical prowess is usually admirable. But I have to say he
: performs better in writing opinions than doing interviews. The guy is
: powerful, but to say he is most powerful justice in the past 30-50 years is
: an overstatement.

1 (共1页)
HOA Bylaw 问题2012 PLI patent Bar Review Homestudy Course material for sale
Cast your vote$50 转让最新 PLI patent bar 复习资料
请教,在美国怎么离婚?转让2015 PLI复习资料 - 站内联系
面试技巧got acceptance from Georgetown Law
帮忙找个topicWhich moot court competition is better?
PLI materials for saleGeorgia v. Randolph
PLI 最新网上课程转让请问偶该怎么跟老板说转学的事对他的伤害到最小?
请问股市交易策略可以申请专利吗?Poll: 1L summer
话题: he话题: scalia话题: most话题: interview话题: justice