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LeisureTime版 - 全球十大安全國家 台灣奪第2 (zz) (转载)
夏日炎炎 (附图)ZT每個國家的網友最常搜尋地點
这不堪回首的8年 (转载)雨夜花
中国人为何总与国际哲学奥林匹克奖项无缘?(图) zzzz台灣紀行二帖之一多雨之島
Re: 大家来!【狗眼看天下:Google Street View专帖】 (转载)(ZT) 自由时報- 余英時:壹傳媒收購案攸關台灣前途// 中共明目張膽通過台
望海70后的知道郭峰和《让世界充满爱》吗? (转载)
话题: safest话题: country话题: countries话题: world话题: crime
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发帖数: 141625
【 以下文字转载自 Taiwan 讨论区 】
发信人: patsy (patsy), 信区: Taiwan
标 题: 全球十大安全國家 台灣奪第2 (zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 15 09:56:52 2015, 美东)
全球十大安全國家 台灣奪第2
2007年來每年都會公布的全球和平指數(Global Peace Index)得出。
Every single person has a dream to live in a safest country. The government
is also making strict laws to reduce crime rate, which is considered as main
factor to determine whether a country is safe or not. Other than crime we
should look into various elements like natural disaster, corruption,
terrorism, economical crisis, culture and more.
Further the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) is issuing Global Peace
Index (GPI) each year since 2007 which is a measurement tool to measure
nation’s peacefulness. Based on this index and above criteria, we framed a
list of top 10 safest countries in the world 2015 in the following section.
List of top 10 safest countries in the world 2015
10 # Singapore
Singapore is one of the cleanest places in the world which attracts millions
of tourists. It has free market liberalism which leads to the success of
capitalism. It is a strong welfare country that have great trading model and
serves its citizens well. The crime and corruption rate is under tolerance
which made it as one of the safest countries in the world and also has
higher per capita income. It is one among the major commercial hubs that
have biggest financial centre and busiest ports. Their economy mainly
depends on trade and manufacturing.
9 # Norway
This nation can be a best option to start peaceful life as it does not have
the threat of terrorism. It is an excellent, safe and wealthy nation that
respects personal freedom and human rights. The police officers do not carry
guns which can be an evidence for the lowest crime rate. This country has
recorded only 34 murders in the year 2008 and it has extensive reserves of
natural gas, sea food, fresh water, lumber, petroleum, minerals, etc.
8 # Japan
Even though Japan has recorded many natural disasters, it is considered as
eighth safest country in the world 2015 for rare criminal activity. This
country is famous for strict laws, culture, discipline and more. There is
low level of violent and non existence of robberies when compared to other
industrial nations. Japan has the tenth largest population in the world with
around 126 million people who are enjoying the highest life expectancy and
lowest infant mortality rate.
7 # Canada
The multiculturalism policy is followed in Canada that encourages citizens
to retain their own way of life and traditional value which is considered to
be the high esteem freedom. It is an urban nation which respects has high
score in human rights when compared to other countries in the list. The
country sent its army to poke in the problem of other countries but even has
the record of lowest violence.
6 # Georgia
Georgia can be considered as one of the safest countries in the world to
live because people can have safe walk alone during night and day in its
capital. This cannot be possible in most of other countries. It has the
lowest rate of theft, terrorism, murder, etc which made it to take part in
the index of safety. It can be the best place for tourism where you can
visit Black sea Coastline, Caucasus mountain range, UNESCO heritage sites,
national parks and more.
5 # New Zealand
According to a report, the crime rate has declined in this country than the
previous year although the population has increased. This can be the reason
why New Zealand ranked as one of the safest countries in the world 2015. It
is built with stable economy, good political system, better environment and
great foreign policies. All these factors enable the nation to provide
satisfied and peaceful atmosphere to its people.
4 # Austria
Austria is located in central Europe which is covered with snow and
maintains its place as one of the safest country in Europe as well as around
world. There is not much violence prevailing in this country due to strict
laws but you can see some petty thieves and pickpockets. It holds many
beautiful places and historic cities that make you feel awesome.
3 # Denmark
Denmark is officially called as Kingdom of Denmark which joined in our list
for its low rate of crime. There is no tolerance for violations to human
rights and people are maintaining equality in gender which cannot be
achieved by other countries. People belongs to this country are friendly and
they concentrate on economic development instead of involving themselves in
violence. It is the best and exciting destination to enjoy a peaceful life.
You may also Like: Best countries to live in 2015
2 # Taiwan
Taiwan ranked second in the list of safest countries in the world with low
exposure to robbery, crime and violence. People in this country are kind
hearted, friendly and help you before you approach them. Tourists were never
faced any violence or got worried in Taiwan. It is the perfect place with
many beautiful spots to lead a safer life which is an advanced industrial
economy that experience rapid economic growth and industrialization. This
country ranked highly in terms of health care, economic freedom, education,
human development, etc.
1 # which is the safest country in the world 2015 – Iceland
It is the beautiful place to settle down and well known for its glacier, hot
spring, frosty climate and geothermal power. It placed first in the Global
Peace Index for its low crime rate and maximum guaranteed security. It has
higher per capita income that enables the people to lead a wealthy life. The
important factor to be considered is it has no standing army, which most of
the countries in the world fail to achieve and it made Iceland as safest
country in the world.
1 (共1页)
70后的知道郭峰和《让世界充满爱》吗? (转载)这不堪回首的8年 (转载)
这个“平路”(女作家)看着有点意思中国人为何总与国际哲学奥林匹克奖项无缘?(图) zz
白先勇这个月底来卖书Re: 大家来!【狗眼看天下:Google Street View专帖】 (转载)
夏日炎炎 (附图)ZT每個國家的網友最常搜尋地點
话题: safest话题: country话题: countries话题: world话题: crime