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LeisureTime版 - Thus Spake the Fortune Cookies (转载)
小破旧文贺牛筋生快:关于幸运饼干(Fortune Cookies)的碎碎Christmas Report (转载)
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Let me dig a pit恭喜风二
Are you smarter than a guy?看了看,我还有点钱[已发]
今天与群友聊大选。。Thus Spake the Fortune Cookies (转载)
有没有好的美国买国内书的代理Thus Spake the Fortune Cookies
last words包子急 思广益 - 关于Fortune Cookie的 CRAFT, game, song..。
话题: cookies话题: fortune话题: my话题: cookie话题: came
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发帖数: 25759
【 以下文字转载自 LoveNLust 讨论区 】
发信人: NWWolf (西北の狼), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: Thus Spake the Fortune Cookies
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 6 01:31:17 2011, 美东)
A few weeks ago, a bag of fortune cookies caught my daughter's
eyes in an Oriental supermarket. Of course, you all know how
things tend to work out between three-year-old little girls and
anything sweet. So naturally, the cookies came home with us.
Unfortunately for the fortune cookies (or maybe fortunately, rather),
we have other snacks at home that are even sweeter, and that is
how they ended up in a corner of the kitchen cabinet, totally
neglected until I came upon the poor things about an hour ago.
Being one with a sweet tooth myself, I opened the jar and promptly
gobbled down six of them, and out came six little pieces of paper,
each sporting a nugget of pure wisdom. The first one caught my
attention right away: "You are careful and systematic."
"Right on!" I thought, and proceeded to the next one: "A good
friend will be seeking your advice soon."
"Not bad," I thought. A good friend from this board did seek my
advice a few days ago, so maybe I am supposed to have had that
cookie last weekend. It has to be my fault, and I apologize to the
fortune cookie gods for that. Clearly, this bunch of fortune cookies
are real experts at reading the cosmic signs, unlike those average
bozos from the Royal Palace restaurant on First and Main.
The third cookie offered a bit of a bold prediction: "You will have
an exciting addition to your life." Maybe it is referring to the
beautiful little painting I just bought at the OCEF auction on MITBBS?
I can hardly wait to find out.
Then came the truly good news in rapid succession:
"You will be very successful both in business and in marriage."
"You have the talent to accomplish your goals."
"Long life is in store for you."
Now, since the first couple of cookies obviously knew what they
were talking about, I figure their brothers and sisters cannot be
that off-base, either. Needless to say, I have been grinning from
ear to ear ever since the last cookie finished singing its crunchy
little song between my teeth.
In another 50-60 years, when my wife and I spend a cool million
(or two) to celebrate my 100th birthday, please be sure to drop
by for some caviar and Louis XIII. You are all invited.
发帖数: 5776
发帖数: 25759
No problem...as long as you promise to help keep me alive long
enough to hold up my end of the bargain. :-)

【在 q*********8 的大作中提到】
: 已经打印,明天去中国城找师傅装裱,到时候凭此请柬杀上门去,吼吼!
发帖数: 82482

【在 N****f 的大作中提到】
: No problem...as long as you promise to help keep me alive long
: enough to hold up my end of the bargain. :-)

1 (共1页)
包子急 思广益 - 关于Fortune Cookie的 CRAFT, game, song..。简约生活
free clif energy [email protected]今天与群友聊大选。。
今天受到了上天的指点。。。(发RP包)last words
小破旧文贺牛筋生快:关于幸运饼干(Fortune Cookies)的碎碎Christmas Report (转载)
###此帖已应当事人要求删除###Iphone最二的功能 (转载)
Let me dig a pit恭喜风二
Are you smarter than a guy?看了看,我还有点钱[已发]
话题: cookies话题: fortune话题: my话题: cookie话题: came