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Living版 - Best Way To Fix Housing Market (ZT)
House with Moldloan rate
can i stop by the seller house for some questiontoday's rate
建议查询rate的同学提供以下信息ing 7/1 arm 4.0% 值得lock么?
what rate can I get now? Thanks一个有趣的问题:7/1 ARM vs. 15 year fixed
credit score 744 贷款能拿到多少的rate这个Loan Offer怎么样?
北维州Refinance求报价用5/1 ARM 还是30 年的FIX, 大牛给普及普及
what should I do关于refinance rate 的选择
5/1 ARM 还是30yr Fixed, 犹豫中!有人最近搞了10/1 ARM了吗?最好的利率能到多少?谢谢
话题: market话题: housing话题: fix话题: best话题: way
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 864
Best Way To Fix Housing Market: Let Prices Fall (Fast)
Henry Blodget | Dec 31, 08 9:51 AM
Until the housing market is "fixed," most experts agree, the economy is
screwed. So for the past year, the best and the brightest have brainstormed
dozens of plans to fix the market. No plan we have seen is likely to do
anything other than delay the inevitable.
"Fixing the housing market" is usually defined as:
- Stopping house prices from falling
- Stopping foreclosures
These are actually two separate prob
1 (共1页)
有人最近搞了10/1 ARM了吗?最好的利率能到多少?谢谢credit score 744 贷款能拿到多少的rate
ARM or 30year fixed (转载)what should I do
how's 15 year fixed rate these days?5/1 ARM 还是30yr Fixed, 犹豫中!
House with Moldloan rate
can i stop by the seller house for some questiontoday's rate
建议查询rate的同学提供以下信息ing 7/1 arm 4.0% 值得lock么?
what rate can I get now? Thanks一个有趣的问题:7/1 ARM vs. 15 year fixed
话题: market话题: housing话题: fix话题: best话题: way