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Living版 - excelRe: online calculator for Mortgage
Mortgage Calculator - SpreadSheet这个是什么意思?
新手网站推荐: Michael Bluejay's <>现在贷款都这么难啊
谁可以贡献一下spreadsheet,比较mortgage ?google出来的那些mortgage lenders靠谱吗
小白上来求一个down payment 计算器网上的mortgage dealer敢用吗?
Re: online calculator for MortgageMortgage贷款每月利息按哪天算的?
A home-made Mortgage calculator怎么算什么时候能付清mortgage,如果每年多放两个月payment的话
这个算法有问题吗(mortgage interest)求教:如何查买房可以贷多少款?
请教loan的事情biweekly pay Mortgage 比monthly pay 是不是合算?
话题: 300k话题: pmt话题: mortgage话题: excelre话题: calculator
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67
go tp Excel, under "insert->function" choose "finance" on the left, then "PMT"
as payment on the right, you could also calculate FV as future value, those
are the basic concept if you take a finance 101 class...
the detailed concept behind the payment calcualtion is:
your present value @ month 0: 300K
interest for the 1st month: 300K * 5%/12
balance @ the end of month 1: 300K + 300K * 5%/12
your payment: PMT
your balance after you pay off the 1st payment due: (300K + 300K * 5%/12)-PMT
your prese
发帖数: 711
so complicated. why not just write
=pmt(0.05/12, 360, 300000)
in one cell...

【在 b*******e 的大作中提到】
: go tp Excel, under "insert->function" choose "finance" on the left, then "PMT"
: as payment on the right, you could also calculate FV as future value, those
: are the basic concept if you take a finance 101 class...
: the detailed concept behind the payment calcualtion is:
: your present value @ month 0: 300K
: interest for the 1st month: 300K * 5%/12
: balance @ the end of month 1: 300K + 300K * 5%/12
: your payment: PMT
: your balance after you pay off the 1st payment due: (300K + 300K * 5%/12)-PMT
: your prese

1 (共1页)
biweekly pay Mortgage 比monthly pay 是不是合算?Re: online calculator for Mortgage
房子还没买好,但是做了个计算mortgage的网站A home-made Mortgage calculator
再请教大家一个问题: 买还是不买?这个算法有问题吗(mortgage interest)
Mortgage Calculator - SpreadSheet这个是什么意思?
新手网站推荐: Michael Bluejay's <>现在贷款都这么难啊
谁可以贡献一下spreadsheet,比较mortgage ?google出来的那些mortgage lenders靠谱吗
小白上来求一个down payment 计算器网上的mortgage dealer敢用吗?
话题: 300k话题: pmt话题: mortgage话题: excelre话题: calculator