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Living版 - do you repair irrigation system diy?
菜地里的黑管子上个月2万加仑的 water bill 正常吗
折腾完了SPRINKLER SYSTEM了。dripping faucet repair
问个irriagation system的问题维修洗脸台水笼头Sink Faucet Repair, MOEN Bathroom Sink Drips
这几天,把前院弄了一下。九月俩个人用了38,000 gallon 的水, 真不知道怎么用的。
lawn sprinklersHouse with Mold
周末自己改 drip line 小项目。short sale help!
包子问irrigation system failedinspection之后发现的问题seller不肯修
house inspection:这些问题大么?sprinkler system repair
话题: irrigation话题: sprinklers话题: system话题: repair话题: zone
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2607
how to start? any clue?
发帖数: 5395
I just repaired three zones of irrigation systems (36 sprinklers), some
experiences to share with you
start with sprinklers, locate any which is leaked or broken,
if not sure, change all of them
I first changed 30+ sprinklers
then tune zone by zone, if you have multiple lawns or too many sprinklers in
one zone, say 10 to 15+, and they cannot pop up together, tighten some in
one zone, make sure the remainings are working properly, then turn on one at
a time, until you find that turning on one mor

【在 s***y 的大作中提到】
: how to start? any clue?
发帖数: 2607
very helpful. thank you
I just tested the whole system yesterday and seems all the sprinklers work
fine (around 15). some dripping heads are missing or chocked. I guess I will
buy some dripping head first.
the funny thing is, my irrigation controler only has spanish on the panel.
although there are some simple graphs, I have to guess what each command
means... a lot of trial/error


【在 G*****m 的大作中提到】
: I just repaired three zones of irrigation systems (36 sprinklers), some
: experiences to share with you
: start with sprinklers, locate any which is leaked or broken,
: if not sure, change all of them
: I first changed 30+ sprinklers
: then tune zone by zone, if you have multiple lawns or too many sprinklers in
: one zone, say 10 to 15+, and they cannot pop up together, tighten some in
: one zone, make sure the remainings are working properly, then turn on one at
: a time, until you find that turning on one mor

1 (共1页)
sprinkler system repairlawn sprinklers
Lawn repair有必要请专业人士来做吗周末自己改 drip line 小项目。
lawn patch repair: sod vs seeding包子问irrigation system failed
Repaired Lawn 在 grass发芽后可以不可以用 vacuum/blower?house inspection:这些问题大么?
菜地里的黑管子上个月2万加仑的 water bill 正常吗
折腾完了SPRINKLER SYSTEM了。dripping faucet repair
问个irriagation system的问题维修洗脸台水笼头Sink Faucet Repair, MOEN Bathroom Sink Drips
这几天,把前院弄了一下。九月俩个人用了38,000 gallon 的水, 真不知道怎么用的。
话题: irrigation话题: sprinklers话题: system话题: repair话题: zone