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Living版 - 01/14/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet
01/05/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet06/08/2011 IL Mortgage Rates
01/06/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet02/18/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet
01/10/2010 IL Mortgage Rate SheetIL MORTGAGE RATE 5/13/2011
01/11/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet请问现在30年的mortgage rate大概多少? (转载)
01/12/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheetlender does not use ARM?
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01/04/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet好像说是弄两个贷款可以避免mortgage insurance,怎么操作呢
话题: yr话题: arm话题: rate话题: loan话题: mortgage
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 405
===================== Illinois =====================
Refinance Rate:
30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM
4.750 4.125 4.750 3.750 3.625 4.125
Purchase Rate:
30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM
4.750 4.000 4.625 3.750 3.375 3.875
Rates above are based on the following assumptions:
1. Loan Amount: $300K<=$417K
2. Loan-To-Value (LTV): <= 75%, CLTV<=80%
3. Primary Residence,
4. Credit score>=740,
5. No Escrow Account, No Fee, No point, No cost for refinance.
6. Different credits may be offered to different scenarios by inquiries.
Please give me a call, if you need mortgage. Thanks.
1 (共1页)
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01/05/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet06/08/2011 IL Mortgage Rates
01/06/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet02/18/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet
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01/11/2011 IL Mortgage Rate Sheet请问现在30年的mortgage rate大概多少? (转载)
话题: yr话题: arm话题: rate话题: loan话题: mortgage