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Living版 - (已解决)请教2009年买房 tax credit 的问题
8000 first-time home buyer tax credit repay?看到被卖讨债公司的帖子,我这里还有更让人更绝的landlor的呢
How to understand this?repay first time homebuyer credit
大家看我qualify这8000块的tax rebate么?求建议!landlord把moving out cleaning charge卖到collection了
比较全面的FAQ on $8000 house buying credit, sent from my realtor每周门前扔的报纸很烦人
8k extension, "for some period of months"【在线等】求助关于“买房不到三年就卖掉”,$8000退税的问题!!!
话题: home话题: credit话题: repay话题: your话题: residence
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2726
09年买的房子,现在可能要换工作。当时拿了$8k的tax credit,现在还差两个多月到
edit: 自己找到了irs官方Q&A,只要不出租,不卖掉,最后一两个月不住在买的房子这里不用退税。贴在这里,方便以后需要的xdjm。
Q. When must I pay back the credit for the home I purchased in 2009?
A. Generally, there is no requirement to pay back the credit for a principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit received becomes due on the return for the year the home ceased being your principal residence.
Q. When do I have to repay the credit?
A. You repay the full or part of the credit as an additional tax on your tax return when the home stops being your main home during the 36-month period following the date you purchased your home.
You must repay the full credit when:
* You sold your main home to a related person or entity
* Your home is destroyed, condemned or disposed of under threat of condemnation and you do not purchase or rebuild a replacement home within two years.
* You converted the entire home to a rental or business property.
* You converted the home to a vacation or second home.
* You no longer live in the home for the greater number of nights in a year.
You may have to repay the full or a part of the credit when:
* You sold your main home to a non-related person or entity. You repay the amount of the credit up to the amount of your capital gain. Note: when calculating gain or loss on your main home if you received the first-time homebuyer credit, you reduce your basis by the amount of the credit. See Publication 551, Basis of Assets, for more information.
* You lost your home in a foreclosure.You must repay the credit only up to the amount of gain. (1/6/11)
发帖数: 8453

【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: 09年买的房子,现在可能要换工作。当时拿了$8k的tax credit,现在还差两个多月到
: 第三年。新的公司想我早点去,但是那样就差一个多月的时间,没有办法在现在这里注
: 满三年。
: 想问一下,是不是只要在剩下这一个月不卖房子,也不出租,就算我搬到别的地方住,
: 也不用退那$8k?非常感谢!
: edit: 自己找到了irs官方Q&A,只要不出租,不卖掉,最后一两个月不住在买的房子这里不用退税。贴在这里,方便以后需要的xdjm。
: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=206293,00.html
: Q. When must I pay back the credit for the home I purchased in 2009?
: A. Generally, there is no requirement to pay back the credit for a principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit received becomes due on the return for the year the home ceased being your principal residence.
: Q. When do I have to repay the credit?

发帖数: 2726

【在 f*********e 的大作中提到】
: 应该是吧。要不你先过去,老婆孩子留下。
发帖数: 2094
how did you get the conclusion?
The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your
principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase.
It clearly says that if you move out, you have to repay.
we have the same problem.

principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay
the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence
within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit
received becomes due on the return for the year the home ceased being your
principal residence.

【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: 09年买的房子,现在可能要换工作。当时拿了$8k的tax credit,现在还差两个多月到
: 第三年。新的公司想我早点去,但是那样就差一个多月的时间,没有办法在现在这里注
: 满三年。
: 想问一下,是不是只要在剩下这一个月不卖房子,也不出租,就算我搬到别的地方住,
: 也不用退那$8k?非常感谢!
: edit: 自己找到了irs官方Q&A,只要不出租,不卖掉,最后一两个月不住在买的房子这里不用退税。贴在这里,方便以后需要的xdjm。
: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=206293,00.html
: Q. When must I pay back the credit for the home I purchased in 2009?
: A. Generally, there is no requirement to pay back the credit for a principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit received becomes due on the return for the year the home ceased being your principal residence.
: Q. When do I have to repay the credit?

发帖数: 20252

principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay
the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence
within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit
received becomes due on the return for the year the home ceased being your
principal residence.

【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: 09年买的房子,现在可能要换工作。当时拿了$8k的tax credit,现在还差两个多月到
: 第三年。新的公司想我早点去,但是那样就差一个多月的时间,没有办法在现在这里注
: 满三年。
: 想问一下,是不是只要在剩下这一个月不卖房子,也不出租,就算我搬到别的地方住,
: 也不用退那$8k?非常感谢!
: edit: 自己找到了irs官方Q&A,只要不出租,不卖掉,最后一两个月不住在买的房子这里不用退税。贴在这里,方便以后需要的xdjm。
: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=206293,00.html
: Q. When must I pay back the credit for the home I purchased in 2009?
: A. Generally, there is no requirement to pay back the credit for a principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit received becomes due on the return for the year the home ceased being your principal residence.
: Q. When do I have to repay the credit?

发帖数: 8453
move out != cease to be the principal residence


【在 h****n 的大作中提到】
: how did you get the conclusion?
: The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your
: principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase.
: It clearly says that if you move out, you have to repay.
: we have the same problem.
: 这里不用退税。贴在这里,方便以后需要的xdjm。
: principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay
: the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence
: within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit

发帖数: 2726
My understanding is the following: (please let me know if my conclusion is
If you don't sell or rent your property, and it's not destroyed, then based
on the Q&A, you only need to repay the tax credit if:
* You converted the home to a vacation or second home.
* You no longer live in the home for the greater number of nights in a
For the first one: since I won't buy another home in two months, this
property is not a "second" home.
For the second one: I lived in my current address for most of the time in a
year within the 36 months, then I should be OK. However, I'm not quite sure
the exactly meaning of "no longer" here.


【在 h****n 的大作中提到】
: how did you get the conclusion?
: The obligation to repay the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your
: principal residence within 36 months from the date of purchase.
: It clearly says that if you move out, you have to repay.
: we have the same problem.
: 这里不用退税。贴在这里,方便以后需要的xdjm。
: principal residence purchased in 2009 or early 2010. The obligation to repay
: the credit arises only if the home ceases to be your principal residence
: within 36 months from the date of purchase. The full amount of the credit

发帖数: 2094
sorry no chinese at work. otherwise the discussion would be easier.
the main residence deosn't have to be owned. when you live in a rental, and
your house is vacant, you can deduct your mortgage interest on your house
which is treated as a second home.
we are worried about repaying the credit...


【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: My understanding is the following: (please let me know if my conclusion is
: wrong)
: If you don't sell or rent your property, and it's not destroyed, then based
: on the Q&A, you only need to repay the tax credit if:
: * You converted the home to a vacation or second home.
: * You no longer live in the home for the greater number of nights in a
: year.
: For the first one: since I won't buy another home in two months, this
: property is not a "second" home.
: For the second one: I lived in my current address for most of the time in a

发帖数: 2726
你这个second home的定义是哪里看到的呢?有出处吗?谢谢!而且,irs怎么知道我是


【在 h****n 的大作中提到】
: sorry no chinese at work. otherwise the discussion would be easier.
: the main residence deosn't have to be owned. when you live in a rental, and
: your house is vacant, you can deduct your mortgage interest on your house
: which is treated as a second home.
: we are worried about repaying the credit...
: based
: a

1 (共1页)
怎么对付那些往门口扔垃圾报纸的行为比较全面的FAQ on $8000 house buying credit, sent from my realtor
只买ADT牌子怎么样?8k extension, "for some period of months"
8000 first-time home buyer tax credit repay?看到被卖讨债公司的帖子,我这里还有更让人更绝的landlor的呢
How to understand this?repay first time homebuyer credit
大家看我qualify这8000块的tax rebate么?求建议!landlord把moving out cleaning charge卖到collection了
话题: home话题: credit话题: repay话题: your话题: residence