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LosAngeles版 - 巴鸡斯坦太欢乐了。。。
每次听到osama bin laden[活动组织]10/25, Friday, 8:00 pm, 百變寫真萬聖節派對
貌似没拉登照片看了本人是混社区学院的, 很鄙视那些来读硕士博士的所谓精英
Pakistan Gunmen Kill 10 Foreign Nanga Parbat Mountain Climbers拉登可能挂了
[合集] 2008年拍的Arizona的一些中幅胶片 (转载)盖洛普调查,44%巴基斯坦人认为恐怖分子本-拉登是个殉道士,28%认为他是个罪犯
拉登死了,911仍然是悲剧 (转载)84% Think It’s Likely Pakistan Knew Where Osama Was Hiding
!!Warning!! Gruesome OBL Compound Raid PhotosWhere are Obama's campaign finances coming from?
Al Qaeda承认拉登已死美國剩下的入侵目標
话题: pakistan话题: laden话题: bin话题: osama话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19471
"Pakistan said Tuesday it had "concerns and reservations" about Washington's
decision to attack and kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden deep inside Pak
istan without seeking their permission or giving forewarning. "This event of
unauthorized unilateral action cannot be taken as a rule," Pakistan's forei
gn ministry said in a statement."
Pakistan Criticizes U.S. Raid on bin Laden
The death of Osama bin Laden is raising more questions about how much Pakist
ani officials were aware he was moving around the country and living in a su
burban mansion.
ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan—Pakistan said Tuesday it had "concerns and reservation
s" about Washington's decision to attack and kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden deep inside Pakistan without seeking their permission or giving forewa
"This event of unauthorized unilateral action cannot be taken as a rule," Pa
kistan's foreign ministry said in a statement.
The 1,000-word statement marked a change in tone from a shorter missive put
out Monday after a helicopter-borne U.S. military team under the direction o
f the CIA raided a house in the midsized town of Abbottabad where bin Laden
had been living and killed him.
On Monday, the Foreign Ministry said the operation was conducted by the U.S.
and noted that Pakistan had been cooperative in intelligence-gathering in t
he past. But by Tuesday, faced with growing criticism at home that the raid
violated national space, the ministry took a tougher stance.
The U.S. action, it said in the English-language version of the statement, "
shall not serve as a future precedent for any state, including the U.S."
WSJ's Paul Beckett reports U.S. authorities continue to probe how much Pakis
tan knew about Osama bin Laden and his presence in the country.
The statement appeared an attempt to quiet mounting discontent among middle-
class Pakistanis, many of whom are virulently anti-American, for what they s
ee as a loss of face. Owais Khan, a lawyer in Abbottabad, said the bar assoc
iation of the town had written a letter of protest to Army chief Gen. Ashfaq
Parvez Kayani and President Asif Ali Zardari to protest the U.S.'s unilater
al action. "The act they have done is against the sovereignty of Pakistan,"
he said in an interview.
So far, Pakistan's powerful armed forces have remained quiet, allowing the c
ivilian government to respond to bin Laden's death. The statement Tuesday pr
aised the armed forces and intelligence agencies for playing "a pivotal role
in breaking the back of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations in Pakis
tan as well as around the world."
Osama bin Laden Is Dead
Photos from around the world.
View Slideshow
AFP/Getty Images
Osama bin Laden
Reactions to the News
"Justice has been done" and more.
Osama bin Laden Watchers
A look at Monday's front pages of U.S. newspapers on the news of Osama bin L
aden's death.
View Slideshow
The West Australian
Timeline: His Life
View Interactive
His Compound
On the ground
Diagram from the U.S. government
View Interactive
Photos inside and out
View Slideshow
Anjum Naveed/Associated Press
U.S. forces found Osama bin Laden at this compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan,
about 40 miles outside Islamabad.
That statement and others in the release appeared designed to counter questi
ons raised by U.S. and other officials since bin Laden's death about whether
it was possible that Pakistan couldn't have been aware that bin Laden was l
iving in Abbottabad near the Pakistan Military Academy.
Pakistani officials say thousands of their soldiers have been killed in a th
ree-year war with the Pakistan Taliban and their al Qaeda allies in the nort
hwestern borders with Afghanistan, with many more civilians dying in Pakista
ni cities in suicide bombings carried out by the Taliban as reprisals for th
e military campaign.
Pakistan argues it has spearheaded the arrest of senior al Qaeda leaders, in
cluding 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2003 in Rawalpindi. It poi
nts to the arrest by Pakistani intelligence agents— also in Abbottabad, in
January—of Indonesian al Qaeda militant Umar Patek.
The Foreign Ministry said it arrested a "high-value" al Qaeda target in the
town in 2004. "The intelligence flow indicating some foreigners in the surro
undings of Abbottabad continued til mid-April 2011," the statement said.
But U.S. officials said Monday they are probing whether elements of Pakistan
's military and intelligence agencies with Islamist sympathies may have play
ed a role in shielding bin Laden from capture.
Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate military spy agency denie
d on Monday that it shielded bin Laden or knew of his whereabouts, and calle
d its lack of knowledge about his whereabouts an embarrassment.
The Foreign Ministry said Pakistan's intelligence agencies had been sharing
information over the compound in which bin Laden was staying since 2009, but
gave no further details. An ISI official said Monday the agency had been in
volved in elements of intelligence gathering, focusing on bin Laden's courie
r, which led to the compound but had no knowledge he was living there.
"It is important to highlight that taking advantage of much superior technol
ogical assets, CIA exploited the intelligence leads given by us to identify
and reach Osama bin Laden," the statement said.
The ministry defended Pakistan against assertions that bin Laden's compound,
with high walls and barbed wire, should have attracted notice. "Houses with
such layout and structural details are not a rarity," it said.
Some Pakistani critics have asked how the U.S. could fly in helicopters from
Afghanistan without being intercepted by Pakistan.
The Foreign Ministry said the U.S. helicopters employed the "latest technolo
gy" and also used "blind spots" in hilly terrain to avoid detection by Pakis
tani radar. Pakistan's air force scrambled jets within minutes of knowing ab
out the incident, it added, though there was no confrontation between U.S. a
nd Pakistani forces.
The statement also reiterated Pakistan's assertion that it had no prior know
ledge of the attack.
发帖数: 1458
讨厌Osama,BS Obama. 有种就象中世界骑士决斗一番,
发帖数: 19471

【在 w*****2 的大作中提到】
: 这是一起谋杀行动。
: 讨厌Osama,BS Obama. 有种就象中世界骑士决斗一番,

发帖数: 18987

【在 v****e 的大作中提到】
: 中世界是哪儿?
发帖数: 3066
that country's lost cause...
发帖数: 3066
that country's lost cause...
1 (共1页)
美國剩下的入侵目標拉登死了,911仍然是悲剧 (转载)
美国在本拉登的计算机里发现大量黄片 (转载)!!Warning!! Gruesome OBL Compound Raid Photos
美国在本拉登的计算机里发现大量黄片 (转载)Al Qaeda承认拉登已死
每次听到osama bin laden[活动组织]10/25, Friday, 8:00 pm, 百變寫真萬聖節派對
貌似没拉登照片看了本人是混社区学院的, 很鄙视那些来读硕士博士的所谓精英
Pakistan Gunmen Kill 10 Foreign Nanga Parbat Mountain Climbers拉登可能挂了
[合集] 2008年拍的Arizona的一些中幅胶片 (转载)盖洛普调查,44%巴基斯坦人认为恐怖分子本-拉登是个殉道士,28%认为他是个罪犯
话题: pakistan话题: laden话题: bin话题: osama话题: said