

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
LosAngeles版 - UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了 (转载)
UCSD之“Chinaman辱华事件”, 请去投票。 (转载)请大家看看ucla的chancellor 有没有权利给全体ucla学生发这份邮件
Clifford Kubiak 's linkedinUCLA的官方反应 (转载)
!!!UCSD请愿书已好,请签字!!! (转载)Open Letter to Chancellor Gene Block
**发包子了--发给在UCSD Petition Letter上签名的ID (转载)My open letter to Mr. Block - Just sent
请推荐Irvine地区的儿科诊所。UCLA校长Gene Block关于支持SCA5和反对prop209的“雄文”
A letter from UCLA's chancellor about earthquake.欢迎大家也问一些SD的问题
UC 系统全奖够支付学费的吗?请推荐两三个San Diego的景点吧?(半日开车游)
The difference between Germany and JapanCarpool between LA and SD
话题: kubiak话题: professor话题: apology话题: website话题: language
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1166
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 23 20:22:44 2011, 美东)
An apology for insensitive comments on Professor Kubiak's research lab website
On behalf of President Mark Yudof, Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, and the UC San Diego community we are truly disappointed by the insensitive and offensive language that appeared on the website of Professor Clifford Kubiak.
This language does not conform to our commitment to the UCSD Principles of Community. We have communicated today with Professor Kubiak who has ensured that the offending language has been removed and he will provide a formal, written apology. This apology will be posted on Professor Kubiak’s website. Further, we have asked the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) to review the matter. Please accept our sincere apologies on behalf of the University.
Suresh Subramani
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Mark Thiemens
Dean, Division of Physical Sciences
发帖数: 15637

San Diego community we are truly disappointed by the insensitive and
offensive language that appeared on the website of Professor Clifford Kubiak.
Community. We have communicated today with Professor Kubiak who has ensured
that the offending language has been removed and he will provide a formal,
written apology. This apology will be posted on Professor Kubiak’s website.
Further, we have asked the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and
Discrimination (OPHD) to review the matter. Please accept our sincere
apologies on behalf of the University.

【在 s*********1 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
: 标 题: UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 23 20:22:44 2011, 美东)
: http://physicalsciences.ucsd.edu/
: An apology for insensitive comments on Professor Kubiak's research lab website
: On behalf of President Mark Yudof, Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, and the UC San Diego community we are truly disappointed by the insensitive and offensive language that appeared on the website of Professor Clifford Kubiak.
: This language does not conform to our commitment to the UCSD Principles of Community. We have communicated today with Professor Kubiak who has ensured that the offending language has been removed and he will provide a formal, written apology. This apology will be posted on Professor Kubiak’s website. Further, we have asked the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) to review the matter. Please accept our sincere apologies on behalf of the University.
: Suresh Subramani
: Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

1 (共1页)
Carpool between LA and SD请推荐Irvine地区的儿科诊所。
求ucsb的新生手册。A letter from UCLA's chancellor about earthquake.
San Diego Zoo和Sea World到底哪个更好玩?UC 系统全奖够支付学费的吗?
SAT reading 660, writting 640, math 630 可以申请什么学校?The difference between Germany and Japan
UCSD之“Chinaman辱华事件”, 请去投票。 (转载)请大家看看ucla的chancellor 有没有权利给全体ucla学生发这份邮件
Clifford Kubiak 's linkedinUCLA的官方反应 (转载)
!!!UCSD请愿书已好,请签字!!! (转载)Open Letter to Chancellor Gene Block
**发包子了--发给在UCSD Petition Letter上签名的ID (转载)My open letter to Mr. Block - Just sent
话题: kubiak话题: professor话题: apology话题: website话题: language