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LosAngeles版 - 大家去Dallas Morning News 去支援华人发表的游行文章啊 (转载)
特大好消息 ABC 和Kimmel Live正式向全美华人道歉 (转载)jimmy kimmel 洛杉矶抗议现场视频
嚣张狂妄的ABC (转载)今天Kimmel在LA的道歉不可接受。“I am sorry to upset you”
转发:请给abc写信抗议我感觉Jimmy Kimmel已经真诚道歉了 再下去恐怕也意义不大
大家快给ABC打电话抗议,他们正在统计总人数 (转载)LA有下一步吗,目的达到没有?
Sue ABC Jimmy Kimmel 参见今年Palla Deen 歧视案国会公开信狠狠的删了Jimmy Kimmel和ABC,说这不是笑料 (转载)
三番已经行动了国会公开信狠狠的删了Jimmy Kimmel和ABC,说这不是笑料 (转载)
三藩游行的 objective 是 fire kimmel, close show, FCC 调查手把手教你如何经济上痛击ABC和Jimmy Kimmel. (转载)
话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: chinese话题: china话题: english
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5870
【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: zaosen (leng), 信区: Texas
标 题: 大家去Dallas Morning News 去支援华人发表的游行文章啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 8 15:07:49 2013, 美东)
Why Asians won’t just move on after genocide joke
This weekend, you will see 10,000 Asians protesting in more than 20 U.S.
cities because they feel that ABC and Jimmy Kimmel have not taken
responsibility for a massive insult to their heritage.
In an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16, a 6-year-old
boy said that America should “kill everyone in China.” Kimmel played along
and led a discussion about how that would work.
I joined a protest on Friday, Nov. 1, at the WFAA site in downtown Dallas. I
am just an ordinary Asian-American. I’m not an organizer; I’m not extreme
in my views.
I graduated from Peking University — “China’s Harvard” — and taught
computer science for three years at Tsinghua University — “China’s MIT.”
I fled China in 1989 after political persecution in the wake of the
Tianenmen crackdown. I was 28 years old, and I didn’t understand anything
people were saying in the new world.
I have never taken an English class in the U.S., but I elevated my English
writing by listening to a thousand nonfiction books. So unlike many in the
Asian immigrant community, I can write fairly well in English. That’s why I
would like to explain why we are so upset.
Some have said our outrage is an overreaction. But if you replace “all
Chinese” with “the blacks” in the sketch, you can easily see how
offensive it is.
ABC and Kimmel have apologized privately and publicly, but in all the wrong
On Oct. 27, 11 days after the incident, ABC executives Lisa Berger and Tim
McNeal issued a private apology to the organization 80-20 that backed the
protests. It starts with, “I’m sorry you felt that a call from our
producer to personally apologize would have been insufficient.” ABC
executives essentially said it was up to the Chinese to understand better
and quietly go away. They made no effort to understand the depth of insult
themselves. Ah, it’s the Chinese who don’t have a sense of humor!
Two days later on his show, Kimmel apologized, starting with: “There seem
to be a lot of people upset with me today, more upset than usual.” How
trifling! He said, “I thought it was obvious that I didn’t agree with that
statement, but apparently it wasn’t.” That’s a clever deception. Nothing
showed he didn’t agree.
The next day, Kimmel said, “We should not have put it on the air. … I feel
bad that you didn’t take it as a joke. I don’t know what you go through
personally, but I am sure there are many challenges. … We won’t be showing
the Kid’s Table segment anymore.”
Oh, it’s the kids who caused all the troubles? The sketch, “Kid’s Table,
” is not the problem. Kimmel’s judgment is. ABC’s airing standards are.
Another two days later, Kimmel was still blaming children when he said: “
The offensive comment, which was made by a 6-year-old child during the
nonscripted segment …” Clearly, he is trying to evade his own
responsibility using the kids as shield. Who set the kids up for the segment
? What about his instigation, “Should we allow the Chinese to live?” And
whose decision was it to air it? Not a 6-year-old’s.
Each and every time, ABC and Kimmel say something new, they forfeit what
little sincerity is left.
Finally, while covering the protests in San Francisco, New York, Dallas and
Houston, ABC World News With Diane Sawyer on Tuesday gave Kimmel airtime.
Diane Sawyer called Kimmel “our pal,” defiantly showing support for him.
That is basically squaring off with the Asian-American community and saying
“bring it on.” This is appalling. Kimmel should not be on the air; Sawyer
should apologize; and executives should be fired.
We cannot tolerate race-disparaging attitudes to get laughs. This is racism
under the cloak of entertainment. It must be stopped.
发帖数: 94654
excellent English.


【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
: 发信人: zaosen (leng), 信区: Texas
: 标 题: 大家去Dallas Morning News 去支援华人发表的游行文章啊
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 8 15:07:49 2013, 美东)
: http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/latest-columns/20131108-why-a
: Why Asians won’t just move on after genocide joke
: This weekend, you will see 10,000 Asians protesting in more than 20 U.S.
: cities because they feel that ABC and Jimmy Kimmel have not taken
: responsibility for a massive insult to their heritage.
: In an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16, a 6-year-old

发帖数: 3179

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
: 发信人: zaosen (leng), 信区: Texas
: 标 题: 大家去Dallas Morning News 去支援华人发表的游行文章啊
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 8 15:07:49 2013, 美东)
: http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/latest-columns/20131108-why-a
: Why Asians won’t just move on after genocide joke
: This weekend, you will see 10,000 Asians protesting in more than 20 U.S.
: cities because they feel that ABC and Jimmy Kimmel have not taken
: responsibility for a massive insult to their heritage.
: In an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16, a 6-year-old

1 (共1页)
手把手教你如何经济上痛击ABC和Jimmy Kimmel. (转载)Sue ABC Jimmy Kimmel 参见今年Palla Deen 歧视案
洛杉矶 119 全美万人抗议游行 总号召三番已经行动了
Dallas 119 全美万人抗议游行 总号召!! (转载)起来!忍无可忍,无需再忍!洛杉矶游行!!!
看看google搜索出来的Jimmy Kimmel的新闻吧!ABC已经在掩盖了! (转载)三藩游行的 objective 是 fire kimmel, close show, FCC 调查
特大好消息 ABC 和Kimmel Live正式向全美华人道歉 (转载)jimmy kimmel 洛杉矶抗议现场视频
嚣张狂妄的ABC (转载)今天Kimmel在LA的道歉不可接受。“I am sorry to upset you”
转发:请给abc写信抗议我感觉Jimmy Kimmel已经真诚道歉了 再下去恐怕也意义不大
大家快给ABC打电话抗议,他们正在统计总人数 (转载)LA有下一步吗,目的达到没有?
话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: chinese话题: china话题: english