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LosAngeles版 - 越南裔共和党州议员候选人Long Pham公开表示反对SCA5 (转载)
日裔美国学生反对SCA5 (转载)今日西裔非裔议员联合声明支持SCA5 -- 民主党开始反扑了! (转载)
在线签名敦促加州众议院给SCA 5投反对票 (转载)反SCA 5 怎么成了华人的事情,其他亚裔族裔呢?
Switch Registration to Republican Today! (转载)做好被砸的准备,其实我有点支持SCA 5
反SCA5的一种可能的斗争形式,请大家指正给Ling Ling Chang团队发了封信请求重数,呼吁支持 (转载)
想part-time读个统计Master,CSU pomona VS. CSU long beach?Most Racist Bill in California History? SCA 5 by Democrat S (转载)
USC学生暑假零工机会华人进步与平等协会(CAPE)将尽一切努力阻止SCA5 (转载)
在线签名敦促加州众议院给SCA 5投反对票SCA-5胎死assembly
反对SCA-5,立足点最好是自由,竞争,繁荣反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发
话题: california话题: state话题: work话题: equality话题: hard
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3249
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: coolminr (苦命儿), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 越南裔共和党州议员候选人Long Pham公开表示反对SCA5
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 1 21:35:44 2014, 美东)
下面是Long Pham的声明。
”I was young when I immigrated to the United States from Vietnam. At the
time, part of the ‘American Dream’ was that this country provided equality
of opportunity. What that meant to me was: if you work hard, you will find
success and prosperity.
I believe that all individuals should have the freedom to pursue this path
to succeed. Just like my son and daughters who graduated from UC Irvine and
Cal Poly Pomona, and the many bright, devoted and dedicated young boys and
girls that I have had the privilege to work with for years. Their parents
encouraged them to excel, and these efforts should be rewarded.
Today, that equality of opportunity that the Constitution promised is
threatened. The Democratically-controlled California State Legislature is
preparing to tell you that it doesn't really matter how hard you work. With
the passage of Senate Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 5 on a party-line vote
in the State Senate, we are now one step closer to eliminating the principle
that hard work should be rewarded with better opportunities. If passed,
California public schools, including those in the University of California (
UC) and California State University (CSU) systems, will be allowed to
discriminate and provide preferential treatment to individuals based on race
, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. That's racism and not equality
of opportunity at all. It certainly won't populate our schools with
California's best and brightest.
I strongly oppose SCA 5 because I believe hard work and merit count. I urge
my fellow Californians to contact their state Assembly member today,
encouraging them to vote no to defeat this legislation.“
发帖数: 9926


【在 r****a 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
: 发信人: coolminr (苦命儿), 信区: SanFrancisco
: 标 题: 越南裔共和党州议员候选人Long Pham公开表示反对SCA5
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 1 21:35:44 2014, 美东)
: 谁说越南裔社区不知情?现在越来越多的越南裔美国人开始加入声讨SCA5的队伍。越南
: 裔美国人在传统上支持共和党。
: 下面是Long Pham的声明。
: ”I was young when I immigrated to the United States from Vietnam. At the
: time, part of the ‘American Dream’ was that this country provided equality
: of opportunity. What that meant to me was: if you work hard, you will find

1 (共1页)
反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发想part-time读个统计Master,CSU pomona VS. CSU long beach?
【反SCA5】请拨冗给加州议员打电话/发传真(附phone script) (转载)在线签名敦促加州众议院给SCA 5投反对票
被一个普通白人同事的一番评论震惊了,原来华人自己是最不了解 (转载)反对SCA-5,立足点最好是自由,竞争,繁荣
日裔美国学生反对SCA5 (转载)今日西裔非裔议员联合声明支持SCA5 -- 民主党开始反扑了! (转载)
在线签名敦促加州众议院给SCA 5投反对票 (转载)反SCA 5 怎么成了华人的事情,其他亚裔族裔呢?
Switch Registration to Republican Today! (转载)做好被砸的准备,其实我有点支持SCA 5
反SCA5的一种可能的斗争形式,请大家指正给Ling Ling Chang团队发了封信请求重数,呼吁支持 (转载)
话题: california话题: state话题: work话题: equality话题: hard