

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
ME版 - a RA position in University of Rhode Island
[转载] Abaqus: error with dynamic loading请教dynamic strain aging导致的strain localization
Graduate research assistantship at The University of Tennesseehelp on Int. J. of CFD
Sr. Loads and Dynamics Engineer Position准备自费去IMECE2004,有谁同路?
求审稿 nonlinear vibrations/dynamics 方向[转载] 现在CFD的 Ph.D.工作形势如何?
Please give me suggestions for my career path. (转载)大虾帮忙:2个问题
[转载] phd of mechanical engineering好找工作吗?Vibration,Modal Analysis,Structure Dynamics找工作怎么样呢?
哪位大虾能给我简要介绍一下Dynamics of MeasurementMolecular Dynamics一般用什么软件?
molecular dynamics simulating求推荐
话题: rhode话题: island话题: ra话题: university话题: dynamics
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 64
The Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory has one graduate Research Assistant
positions available at PhD level. The position will be supported by NSF
Grant CMMI-1100031, and will focus on research described in this link. Ideal
candidate will have the following qualifications:
MS (or highly qualified BS) degree in mechanical or biomedical engineering
or related fields.
Good mathematical background including differential equations and linear
Some exposure to FEM and associated packages will be beneficial.
Good programing skills at least utilizing MATLAB, but programing skills in C
or C++ will also help.
Knowledge of Molecular Dynamics simulation packeges such as NAMD or GROMACS
would be greatly helpful.
If interested, contact Dr. David Chelidze by email .
1 (共1页)
求推荐Please give me suggestions for my career path. (转载)
R&D Positions in Combustion and Fluid Dynamics (Boston, MA)[转载] phd of mechanical engineering好找工作吗?
(三)博士的那点事儿哪位大虾能给我简要介绍一下Dynamics of Measurement
【招工】Postdoc research fellow positionsmolecular dynamics simulating
[转载] Abaqus: error with dynamic loading请教dynamic strain aging导致的strain localization
Graduate research assistantship at The University of Tennesseehelp on Int. J. of CFD
Sr. Loads and Dynamics Engineer Position准备自费去IMECE2004,有谁同路?
求审稿 nonlinear vibrations/dynamics 方向[转载] 现在CFD的 Ph.D.工作形势如何?
话题: rhode话题: island话题: ra话题: university话题: dynamics