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ME版 - [Ad] Postdoc Position on Composiote Processing
有谁知道用什么设备来measure particulates in oilHelp: how to use ANSYS to model piezoelectric composite plates
找工作近乎绝望,觉得可能还是简历的问题,请大家帮忙看看A Ph.D student is needed in Composites or Polymer Engineering
纽约城市大学机械工程系Complex Fluids and Soft Materials课题组招收博士研究生2016秋求助文章
博士招生 南卡大学:光学(工程)物理, 物化, 微流控, 生物医学工程请教abaqus有限元软件的设计delamination failure 问题
Position for Ph.D graduate student in Optical super resolution nanoscopy, Microfluidics, Bioimaging关于找工作的location问题
有没有人在研究sandwich materials?非牛校Nanocomposite PHD好不好找工业界工作?
Is anybody working in compositeTwo Ph.D student needed: one in polymers and composites, other one in bio-materials testing
话题: processing话题: postdoc话题: materials话题: ad话题: position
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
Postdoc Opening on Composite Processing
There is a postdoc opening in the Multifunctional Materials Research Lab at
The University of California, San Diego, supervised by Prof. Yu Qiao ( http://mmrl.ucsd.edu ). The postdoc will be conducting research on processing of polymer matrix, fine particulate reinforced composite materials. The work ranges from establishing lab-scale materials processing systems to testing and materials characterization. The project begins this summer. Applications and questions can be directly sent to Prof. Yu Qiao at y***[email protected]
1 (共1页)
Two Ph.D student needed: one in polymers and composites, other one in bio-materials testing博士招生 南卡大学:光学(工程)物理, 物化, 微流控, 生物医学工程
Ph.D students: polymer &composites; bio-materials testingPosition for Ph.D graduate student in Optical super resolution nanoscopy, Microfluidics, Bioimaging
问:用filament winding加工composite structure方向如何?有没有人在研究sandwich materials?
版上有做复合材料(composites)的吗Is anybody working in composite
有谁知道用什么设备来measure particulates in oilHelp: how to use ANSYS to model piezoelectric composite plates
找工作近乎绝望,觉得可能还是简历的问题,请大家帮忙看看A Ph.D student is needed in Composites or Polymer Engineering
纽约城市大学机械工程系Complex Fluids and Soft Materials课题组招收博士研究生2016秋求助文章
话题: processing话题: postdoc话题: materials话题: ad话题: position