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ME版 - PhD student positions in ME with full financial support ava (转载)
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available关于转发工作的链接
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available迈阿密大学博士生全奖又有一个opening!
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial suport availableUniversity of Miami PHD opening
PhD student positions availableUniversity of Miami PHD position
2017 Spring - Univerisity of Miami PHD positionPostdoc positions in fuel cell area at University of South Carolina
fall 2009 -University of Miami PhD student position硅谷小公司招人 (转载)
Graduate assistantship availablePhD 申请求助:control, MEMS, or nanomaterial, 哪个方向比较好?
工作机会 Manufacturing Engineer麻烦大伙帮我看看哪个方向好点儿
话题: wang话题: phd话题: candidates话题: prof
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 159
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: april123 (april), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: PhD student positions in ME with full financial support available
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 28 14:05:41 2012, 美东)
PhD student positions with full financial support are available starting
Summer (June) 2013 in Prof. Wang’s group in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at Louisiana State University.
The group’s research centers around new-generation energy materials and
devices. Research interests include nanomaterials synthesis, solar cells,
lithium-ion batteries, photocatalysis, sol-gel processing, atomic layer
deposition, and electrochemical synthesis. Details can be found on the
following web:
Candidates with background in chemistry, materials science, mechanical
engineering, or chemical engineering are encouraged to apply. Candidates
with master degree are preferred, though not required. Interested
candidates are encouraged to email their CV in PDF to Prof. Wang at ywang@
1 (共1页)
麻烦大伙帮我看看哪个方向好点儿2017 Spring - Univerisity of Miami PHD position
大家说说在ME底下搞材料制备是不是没有前途? fall 2009 -University of Miami PhD student position
问问纳米薄膜机械性能的问题,谢谢 (转载)Graduate assistantship available
ME PhD openings (RA)工作机会 Manufacturing Engineer
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available关于转发工作的链接
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available迈阿密大学博士生全奖又有一个opening!
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial suport availableUniversity of Miami PHD opening
PhD student positions availableUniversity of Miami PHD position
话题: wang话题: phd话题: candidates话题: prof