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ME版 - Position for Ph.D graduate student in Optical super resolution nanoscopy, Microfluidics, Bioimaging
博士招生 南卡大学:光学(工程)物理, 物化, 微流控, 生物医学工程Ph.D. position available in microfluidic field
Multiple PhD and Post-doc positions with full financial suppMicrofluidics 转cfd的都能在什么行业工作啊?
微流(microfluidics)方向,fresh PhD 求内推。帮忙找几片nanofluid 方面的文章
Job opennings R&D (转载)有没有搞激光微细加工的同仁..
迷茫的人寻求建议来了bad job market in MEMS
ANSYS CFX 问题RA/TA and Postdoc Openings for Spring and Fall 2010 (转载)
话题: resolution话题: position话题: bioimaging话题: super话题: nanoscopy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
Position for
Ph.D graduate student for
• Optical super resolution nanoscopy,
• Micro/nanofluidics,
• Bioimaging
Highly motivated applicants with strong experimental background in optics
and bioimagings or micro/nanofluidics are invited to apply for Ph.D student
position for experimental research in Biomedical Engineering. We have
developed a large multifunctional far-field optical nanoscopic system using
two tunable femto lasers for the super resolution imaging,
nanophotolithography and measurement. The system will be explored in
multidisciplinary research in biochip and Lab-on-a-Chip devices, cellular
bioimaging of living cells with super-resolution to develop new technique
for biomedical research, as well as studying the fundamentals of transport
phenomena in micro/nanofluidics for biofluid near endothelial surface layer
and cancer mechanobiology. Ideally, the applicant should have a master
degree and experience in one or several of the following fields: nonlinear
optics and femto laser, super-resolution microscopy, confocal microscopy,
bioimaging, ultrafast fluorescence dynamics and fluorescence spectroscopy
and microfluidics.
The Nanofluidics and Microfluidics Lab at The University of South Carolina
is dedicated to experimental science over a broad range of disciplines.
Current research is carried out in science and engineering, with an emphasis
on interdisciplinary work and the development of new experimental tools.
The position needs to be filled as soon as possible. To apply, please email
your resume to: wangg[email protected] Dr. Guiren Wang, Associate Professor,
Biomedical Engineering Program & Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA; Tel: (803) 312-1981.
We also welcome visiting students and scholars and the research areas are:
micro/nanofluidics, lab-on-a-chip, far field optical nanoscopy, super-
resolution imaging, cancer detection, fluorescence spectroscopy,
nanophotolithography, fluid dynamics (interfacial flows, e.g. measurement of
slip flow using novel nanoscopic velocimeter developed in our group
recently), turbulence (also including microelectrokinetic turbulence
discovered recently in his group) and mixing.
1 (共1页)
求审稿机会-- fiber optics, fiber optic sensor, thin film, fiber gratings搞Nanofluid有前途么?毕业以后能干吗
PhD and post-doc positions for Numerical Modeling and Machine Learning for Multiphysics EngineeringANSYS CFX 问题
Is the viscosity the same everywhere?有关microfluidics
博士招生 南卡大学:光学(工程)物理, 物化, 微流控, 生物医学工程Ph.D. position available in microfluidic field
Multiple PhD and Post-doc positions with full financial suppMicrofluidics 转cfd的都能在什么行业工作啊?
微流(microfluidics)方向,fresh PhD 求内推。帮忙找几片nanofluid 方面的文章
Job opennings R&D (转载)有没有搞激光微细加工的同仁..
话题: resolution话题: position话题: bioimaging话题: super话题: nanoscopy