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Macromolecules版 - Development Of New Polymer Delivery Vehicles For Gene Therapy (z)
Father of Gene Therapy Accused of molestationDegradation of polymer
What's Next For Gene Therapy? (z)###Re: Is there good method to let
need bio-degradable polymers infoRe: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
which polymer bio-degrades fastest?[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
polymer chemistry fresh PhD 求审稿大家推荐几本有关polymer的书吧
好像现在combinatorial polymer libraries很流行。。谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?
Polymers are promising tools for gene therapy (z)Short polymer history (ZZ)
a question on nylon 6//urgentlyHow to estimate price of a polymer?
话题: polymer话题: therapy话题: gene话题: delivery话题: vehicles
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12367
Development Of New Polymer Delivery Vehicles For Gene Therapy
MIT scientists are reporting synthesis and laboratory tests of a promising
new group of degradable polymer delivery vehicles for gene therapy. The
polymers are improved versions of materials first described in 2000 that
deliver genes efficiently to specific cells.
The lack of a safe, efficient delivery system for DNA has been a major
barrier to clinical use of gene therapy. Viruses and various polymer
materials have been used in effor
1 (共1页)
How to estimate price of a polymer?polymer chemistry fresh PhD 求审稿
Re: help with purification of polymers,好像现在combinatorial polymer libraries很流行。。
如果你来编写《高分子物理》书Polymers are promising tools for gene therapy (z)
sigh,too difficult to read polymer booksa question on nylon 6//urgently
Father of Gene Therapy Accused of molestationDegradation of polymer
What's Next For Gene Therapy? (z)###Re: Is there good method to let
need bio-degradable polymers infoRe: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
which polymer bio-degrades fastest?[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
话题: polymer话题: therapy话题: gene话题: delivery话题: vehicles