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Macromolecules版 - [转载] Re: Tsinghua University博士生首次在SCIENCE上以第一作?
[转载]Carbon Nanotube (3)[转载]Carbon Nanotube (1)
[转载]Carbon nanotube (7)[转载]Carbon Nanotube (2)
Ask a question: Is there insulator nanotubes?[转载]Carbon Nanotube (4)
[转载] ============用什么画nanotubes==========[转载]Carbon nanotube (5)
Nanotech yields darkest material ever measured(zz)[转载]Carbon nanotube (6)
Biochip Mimics the Body To Reveal Toxicity of Industrial Co[转载] Carbon Nanotube Flow Sensors - sciencemag
interesting, but I hate carbon nanotube Re: Carbon PeapodBrief introduction about difficult of fuel cells
ft, tooooo many carbon nanotube related papers in Nano letterRe: 哪里有碳纳米管卖的?
话题: science话题: tsinghua话题: university话题: nanotubes话题: 上以
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2145
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: shanhua (山华), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: Re: Tsinghua University博士生首次在SCIENCE上以第一作?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jun 7 02:07:14 2002), 站内信件
P.M.Ajayan又在Apr.26 Science上发了一篇单壁碳纳米管的文章。
Researchers at Rensselaer have discovered a surprising new property of
single-walled carbon nanotubes. When exposed to a conventional photographic
flash, the nanotubes emit a loud pop and then ignite. This discovery,
reported in the April 26 issue of the journal Science, could mean that
1 (共1页)
Re: 哪里有碳纳米管卖的?Nanotech yields darkest material ever measured(zz)
Nanotechnology: Tiny hope or big hype?Biochip Mimics the Body To Reveal Toxicity of Industrial Co
Help: nanotube growth paperinteresting, but I hate carbon nanotube Re: Carbon Peapod
painful ah do design organic reactionsft, tooooo many carbon nanotube related papers in Nano letter
[转载]Carbon Nanotube (3)[转载]Carbon Nanotube (1)
[转载]Carbon nanotube (7)[转载]Carbon Nanotube (2)
Ask a question: Is there insulator nanotubes?[转载]Carbon Nanotube (4)
[转载] ============用什么画nanotubes==========[转载]Carbon nanotube (5)
话题: science话题: tsinghua话题: university话题: nanotubes话题: 上以