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Macromolecules版 - Third New England Polymer Chem. Workshop
Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??sigh,too difficult to read polymer books
[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties感觉上,高分子科学..
大家推荐几本有关polymer的书吧[合集] Who knows polymer Tg around 25 celsius degree?
谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?Open Position for PhD Polymer Chemist
Short polymer history (ZZ)高分子的industry job形式没有那么好
How to estimate price of a polymer?Looking for polymers which are HF resistant and no permeability for HF
Re: help with purification of polymers,为一个学院而写的书
如果你来编写《高分子物理》书Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)
话题: new话题: polymer话题: england
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 134
Jan 17, 2004
University of NH
Looks like a lot of chinese people will be there...
but they are mainly from rpi, umass,dartmouth, uconn, unh...
hope to make new friends there
1 (共1页)
Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)Short polymer history (ZZ)
paper help - 包子答谢How to estimate price of a polymer?
求 review 机会Re: help with purification of polymers,
Polymer synthesis position如果你来编写《高分子物理》书
Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??sigh,too difficult to read polymer books
[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties感觉上,高分子科学..
大家推荐几本有关polymer的书吧[合集] Who knows polymer Tg around 25 celsius degree?
谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?Open Position for PhD Polymer Chemist
话题: new话题: polymer话题: england