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Macromolecules版 - 一个关于block copolymer micelle 形状的问题
请教:block copolymer micelle这样能形成micelle吗?
self-assembly structure in solution这一周的Science
怎么判断溶液是semidilute or dilute?求审稿机会(polymer chemistry, block copolymer)
有没有POLYMER或者COPOLYMER在室温下塑性极好where can I find the famous phase
想买TRIBLOCK COPOLYMER,请推荐几家公司。求 Block copolymer 的经典文献
问个土问题,关于polymer 聚合的讨论一个严肃的学术问题吧, 如何测量Block copolymer的interaction parameter X
我想大家在particle这点上what's the state of micells in high surfactant (e.g. Tween 80) concentration solution
谁给讲讲 Apple's iPhone's lithium polymer batterywhat is the application of PS-PMMA diblock copolymer?
话题: micelle话题: block话题: copolymer话题: bates话题: solution
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 224
我们知道,block copolymer 在融体的构形以被Bates 等人研究
多时,micelle 在溶液中的相图是否有人作过?是否也取决于
kai*N vs phi ?
发帖数: 12367
Bates and Lodge already published something about this bah....

【在 z**h 的大作中提到】
: 我们知道,block copolymer 在融体的构形以被Bates 等人研究
: 多时,micelle 在溶液中的相图是否有人作过?是否也取决于
: kai*N vs phi ?

发帖数: 43
what is your means about phase diagram?
Block copolyme can form different morphologies in dilute solutions.
With increase of concentration, the micelle solution could be BCC, FCC
structure. TPL has some papers about the characterization and kinetic
transition between BCC<>FCC.
Bates reported various micelle morphlogoies formed
from PBD-PEO diblock copolymers. They did a lot of cryoTEM and got very nice
(1) Jain, S.; Bates, F. S. Science 2003, 300, 460.
(2) Won, Y.-Y.; Brannan, A. K.; Dav

【在 w********h 的大作中提到】
: Bates and Lodge already published something about this bah....
发帖数: 224
what determines the shape of the micelle?


【在 w******r 的大作中提到】
: what is your means about phase diagram?
: Block copolyme can form different morphologies in dilute solutions.
: With increase of concentration, the micelle solution could be BCC, FCC
: structure. TPL has some papers about the characterization and kinetic
: transition between BCC<>FCC.
: Bates reported various micelle morphlogoies formed
: from PBD-PEO diblock copolymers. They did a lot of cryoTEM and got very nice
: images.
: (1) Jain, S.; Bates, F. S. Science 2003, 300, 460.
: (2) Won, Y.-Y.; Brannan, A. K.; Dav

发帖数: 238
I read one paper by Fridrickson and Leibler on theory of block copolymer solution
my advisor also mentioned that Matsen Schick has done comprehensive studies on
this, but I did not bother to find them yet.
THe thing is that in the solution, there are 3 different two body interactions
thus \chi*N can not be the key factor.

【在 z**h 的大作中提到】
: 我们知道,block copolymer 在融体的构形以被Bates 等人研究
: 多时,micelle 在溶液中的相图是否有人作过?是否也取决于
: kai*N vs phi ?

发帖数: 238
From scaling theory, this should be determined by the interaction between
polymer segments and solvent as well as on the concentration of the polymer.

【在 z**h 的大作中提到】
: what determines the shape of the micelle?
: Talmon,

发帖数: 43
The free energy of block copolymer cosists of three parts:
stretching of core-forming block, stretching of corona-forming block and
surface interaction between core-domain and corona domain/solvent.
Bates once reported the correlation between stretching coefficient of
core-forming block and area perchain.


【在 c*****e 的大作中提到】
: I read one paper by Fridrickson and Leibler on theory of block copolymer solution
: my advisor also mentioned that Matsen Schick has done comprehensive studies on
: this, but I did not bother to find them yet.
: THe thing is that in the solution, there are 3 different two body interactions
: thus \chi*N can not be the key factor.

1 (共1页)
what is the application of PS-PMMA diblock copolymer?想买TRIBLOCK COPOLYMER,请推荐几家公司。
Statistical Copolymer到底指的是哪些?问个土问题,关于polymer 聚合的
the trick of publication我想大家在particle这点上
Hawker's reply谁给讲讲 Apple's iPhone's lithium polymer battery
请教:block copolymer micelle这样能形成micelle吗?
self-assembly structure in solution这一周的Science
怎么判断溶液是semidilute or dilute?求审稿机会(polymer chemistry, block copolymer)
有没有POLYMER或者COPOLYMER在室温下塑性极好where can I find the famous phase
话题: micelle话题: block话题: copolymer话题: bates话题: solution