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Macromolecules版 - question about mechanical properties.
问一下交联高分子的交联度用什么仪器测试Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
one question about compression moldingclay-polymer nanocomposite
树脂眼镜片是啥材料的?A question for rubber
research assistant的悲惨命运要不我们来玩个冲浪游戏吧
材料力学 为什么要用张量分析?请教关于模量计算
文章title起成这样居然编辑和审稿都没comments...如何计算Young's Modulus ?
做PU的看过来请教一个关于制polymer film的问题
Job Position - Extrusion Process & Product Development Engineer 和钢铁一样硬的塑料[zz]
话题: mechanical话题: modulus话题: yield话题: question话题: strength
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21
I had little expereince on mechanical propeties and not confident about my own
answers. Please advise, friends. We all know there are some big bulllls
around, and hope to learn from you guys. Thanks a lot.
Here are my friend's question:
Is yield strength of polymer would be same for both tensile and
compressive stress condition? We know that, in general, ceramics have
higher yield strengh under compression than that under tension.
Is yield strength a good parameter for measuring the failure of p
发帖数: 12367
(1) Compression modulus is different from tensile modulus for sure.
(2) You need to consider many parameters: modulus, strain and stress.
check your Experiments for Polymer Science edited by Ou Guorong.
There is one experiment for that, very detailed.
stiffness is judged by modulus;
toughness is judged by strain;
strength is judged by stress.


【在 l*y 的大作中提到】
: I had little expereince on mechanical propeties and not confident about my own
: answers. Please advise, friends. We all know there are some big bulllls
: around, and hope to learn from you guys. Thanks a lot.
: Here are my friend's question:
: Is yield strength of polymer would be same for both tensile and
: compressive stress condition? We know that, in general, ceramics have
: higher yield strengh under compression than that under tension.
: Is yield strength a good parameter for measuring the failure of p

1 (共1页)
和钢铁一样硬的塑料[zz]材料力学 为什么要用张量分析?
paper help plzJob Position - Extrusion Process & Product Development Engineer
问一下交联高分子的交联度用什么仪器测试Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
one question about compression moldingclay-polymer nanocomposite
树脂眼镜片是啥材料的?A question for rubber
research assistant的悲惨命运要不我们来玩个冲浪游戏吧
话题: mechanical话题: modulus话题: yield话题: question话题: strength