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Macromolecules版 - 这里做Raman的可能比较多,问一个问题
thinkness measurement of filmhelp on polymer passivation layer
请教各位 (转载)[转载] Re: 剑桥大学学生制造出nanoflowers
where to buy mylar, kapton and PVC films or sheets?Orientation measurements of iPP/CNT by means of Raman
[合集] where to buy mylar, kapton and PVC films or sheets?求助:表面特别光滑的玻璃
GPC help[合集] 求教,有谁做过小分子的spincoating啊?
[转载] Carbon Nanotube Flow Sensors - sciencemag大家用的spin-coater都是什么样的?
看电影看电影。Ph.D. student position is available in Fall 2009
话题: raman话题: signal话题: film话题: thin话题: system
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
We have a system for bulk fluoresce and Raman. Is it possible to
make it do thin film Raman? What kind of adjustment we have to
make? We have tried for some time, no luck so far.
The main prolems is that we cannot get sufficient signal from the
film. We are getting all signal from the substrate.
发帖数: 10
As far as I know, it is ipossible for you to measure the Raman signal
by using your system. Your system does not have such function for thin film.
The signal from the thin film is very weak. you can get the signal of the
substrate, however, the signal is not enough for detecting in such system.

【在 w*n 的大作中提到】
: We have a system for bulk fluoresce and Raman. Is it possible to
: make it do thin film Raman? What kind of adjustment we have to
: make? We have tried for some time, no luck so far.
: The main prolems is that we cannot get sufficient signal from the
: film. We are getting all signal from the substrate.
: Thanks!

发帖数: 34
I guess you are right. That system simply wasn't designed for thin film.
Lots of things have to be taken care of for thin film scattering.
Reconfiguring the system is almost like making a new one.

【在 g*****y 的大作中提到】
: As far as I know, it is ipossible for you to measure the Raman signal
: by using your system. Your system does not have such function for thin film.
: The signal from the thin film is very weak. you can get the signal of the
: substrate, however, the signal is not enough for detecting in such system.

1 (共1页)
Ph.D. student position is available in Fall 2009问题
问题一个,Raman光谱GPC help
first Macromolecule paper accepted[转载] Carbon Nanotube Flow Sensors - sciencemag
Job postings in Europe看电影看电影。
thinkness measurement of filmhelp on polymer passivation layer
请教各位 (转载)[转载] Re: 剑桥大学学生制造出nanoflowers
where to buy mylar, kapton and PVC films or sheets?Orientation measurements of iPP/CNT by means of Raman
[合集] where to buy mylar, kapton and PVC films or sheets?求助:表面特别光滑的玻璃
话题: raman话题: signal话题: film话题: thin话题: system