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Macromolecules版 - 求reviewer
How to measure the cloud point of polymer blends[合集] 有的大牛的talk
Argon, give some suggestion on solar celPolymer Processing Engineer is Needed-Blown Film&Cast Film
请教热引发剂请问spinodal decomposition 里的负的扩散系数怎么理解
paper help关于相转变的一个问题
在Flory那本经典以后有什么较好的有关高分子物理的书问个翻译问题,spinodal decomposition, 中文怎么翻译?谢谢
Re: <>Can get any information of Tg from TGA curves?
Wonderlich,向你请教个问题Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
推荐点polymer simulation的综述吧[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
话题: simulation话题: polymer话题: software话题: blend话题: material
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 340
另外一篇灌水文章,需要自己推荐reviewer, 开始随便找了几个都不搭理,有愿意帮忙
1. Title and the central theme of the article.
Paper title: "A MATLAB Program for Quantitative Simulation of Self-assembly
of Polymer Blend Films with Nano-scaled Features". This paper introduced the
introduction to the fundamentals, design principles, and scientific use
cases of a computer program for simulation of self-assembly of polymer blend
films with nano-features.
2. Which subject/theme of the Journal the material fits:
* Software tools supporting tasks such as analysis, simulation, design,
manufacture, planning, diagnosis and repair
3. Why the material is important in its field and why the material should be
published in International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and
Technology (IJCAET)?
The design of the nano-scaled patterns from polymer blend films self-
assembly is influenced by many factors such as the spin coating speed,
evaporation speed, polymer type, substrate functionalization, etc. The
involved physical models are studied in many previous works but few of them
have quantitatively described the relations of the processing parameters and
material properties to the final results. The design of the software based
on our work on numerical simulation of the spinodal decomposition of binary/
ternary polymer blends with patterned substrate, which is can quantitatively
simulation the morphology evolution with real experimental parameter values
. The software is designed so that the scientists can build their own model
easily. The users can input the real experimental parameters, material
properties, model specifications in the graphical user interface of the
program and run the simulation on the customized model in a PC. The software
also has real plotting during the simulation, the data visualization tools,
and result analytical tools for the user to investigate the simulation
results. The numerical model implemented in the software is already
validated with experimental results. All in all, this software can help the
scientists to study the mechanisms in self-assembly in polymer blend films
more efficiently.
4. Names, addresses, and email addresses of four experts in the subject of
your paper who are personally unkown to you, are not members of the
editorial board of the journal, are not from your institution and at least
two of whom must be from a different country from you ("you" refers to all
authors of the paper).
发帖数: 136
not sure if i can be of help on this. i am a polymer phd and have been
working in computer science/IT for many years, but not in nano field though.
发帖数: 340
Thanks for offering!
I think your background should match, since this paper is about a numerical
simulation software on polymer phase separation. The magnitude of the
dimension does not matter much in physical laws actually. It only affect the
accuracy and divergence of the numerical simulation.
Would you please give me your full contact information including title,
institution, email and working phone number?
zhan nei is fine.
I will forward that to the editor.
发帖数: 340
at least another one needed. Thanks!
You can send your contact information to my ZhanNei.
发帖数: 155


【在 g*****a 的大作中提到】
: 另外一篇灌水文章,需要自己推荐reviewer, 开始随便找了几个都不搭理,有愿意帮忙
: 的么?虽然杂志排名低,但多少也算审稿,申请绿卡什么的应该有用的。。。
: 1. Title and the central theme of the article.
: Paper title: "A MATLAB Program for Quantitative Simulation of Self-assembly
: of Polymer Blend Films with Nano-scaled Features". This paper introduced the
: introduction to the fundamentals, design principles, and scientific use
: cases of a computer program for simulation of self-assembly of polymer blend
: films with nano-features.
: 2. Which subject/theme of the Journal the material fits:
: * Software tools supporting tasks such as analysis, simulation, design,

1 (共1页)
[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties在Flory那本经典以后有什么较好的有关高分子物理的书
大家推荐几本有关polymer的书吧Re: <>
谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?Wonderlich,向你请教个问题
Short polymer history (ZZ)推荐点polymer simulation的综述吧
How to measure the cloud point of polymer blends[合集] 有的大牛的talk
Argon, give some suggestion on solar celPolymer Processing Engineer is Needed-Blown Film&Cast Film
请教热引发剂请问spinodal decomposition 里的负的扩散系数怎么理解
paper help关于相转变的一个问题
话题: simulation话题: polymer话题: software话题: blend话题: material